PhD Supervisors

E-mail: agratini[at]
Areas of expertise: Operator Theory, Linear Approximation Processes, Quantum Calculus
E-mail: agratini[at]
Areas of expertise: Operator Theory, Linear Approximation Processes, Quantum Calculus

E-mail: arpad.baricz[at]
Areas of expertise: Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions
E-mail: arpad.baricz[at]
Areas of expertise: Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions

Simion-Sorin BREAZ
E-mail: bodo[at]
Areas of expertise: Modules, Abelian Groups, Rings, Homological Algebra
E-mail: bodo[at]
Areas of expertise: Modules, Abelian Groups, Rings, Homological Algebra

Brigitte-Erika BRECKNER
E-mail: brigitte[at]
Areas of expertise: Topological Semigroups, Functional Analysis, Critical Point Theory, Analysis on Fractals
E-mail: brigitte[at]
Areas of expertise: Topological Semigroups, Functional Analysis, Critical Point Theory, Analysis on Fractals

Florina-Adriana BUICĂ
E-mail: abuica[at]
Areas of expertise: Qualitative Theory of ODEs, Bifurcation Theory, Dynamical Systems
E-mail: abuica[at]
Areas of expertise: Qualitative Theory of ODEs, Bifurcation Theory, Dynamical Systems

Teodora-Maria CǍTINAŞ
E-mail: tcatinas[at]
Areas of expertise: Approximation Theory, Numerical Methods
E-mail: tcatinas[at]
Areas of expertise: Approximation Theory, Numerical Methods

Septimiu CRIVEI
E-mail: crivei[at]
Areas of expertise: Module Theory, Category Theory
E-mail: crivei[at]
Areas of expertise: Module Theory, Category Theory

Teodor-Silviu GROŞAN
E-mail: tgrosan[at]
Areas of expertise: Theoretical Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics, Porous Media, Heat Transfer
E-mail: tgrosan[at]
Areas of expertise: Theoretical Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics, Porous Media, Heat Transfer

Mirela KOHR
E-mail: mkohr[at]
Areas of expertise: Fluid Mechanics, Potential Theory, Complex Analysis, Partial Differential Equations
E-mail: mkohr[at]
Areas of expertise: Fluid Mechanics, Potential Theory, Complex Analysis, Partial Differential Equations

KRISTÁLY Alexandru
E-mail: alexandrukristaly[at]
Areas of expertise: Calculus of Variations, Critical Point Theory, Elliptic Problems, Riemann-Finsler Geometry, Geometric Analysis, Optimization on Manifolds
E-mail: alexandrukristaly[at]
Areas of expertise: Calculus of Variations, Critical Point Theory, Elliptic Problems, Riemann-Finsler Geometry, Geometric Analysis, Optimization on Manifolds

Hannelore LISEI
E-mail: hanne[at]
Areas of expertise: Stochastic Analysis, Variational Calculus
E-mail: hanne[at]
Areas of expertise: Stochastic Analysis, Variational Calculus

Andrei-Dorin MĂRCUŞ
E-mail: marcus[at]
Areas of expertise: Representation Theory of Groups and Algebras
E-mail: marcus[at]
Areas of expertise: Representation Theory of Groups and Algebras

E-mail: smicula[at]
Areas of expertise: Numerical Methods for Integral Equations, Approximation Methods for Boundary Value Problems, Numerical Solutions of Fluid Flow Problems
E-mail: smicula[at]
Areas of expertise: Numerical Methods for Integral Equations, Approximation Methods for Boundary Value Problems, Numerical Solutions of Fluid Flow Problems

George Ciprian MODOI
E-mail: cmodoi[at]
Areas of expertise: Abelian and Triangulated Categories, Homological Algebra
E-mail: cmodoi[at]
Areas of expertise: Abelian and Triangulated Categories, Homological Algebra

E-mail: nemethi.andras[at]
Areas of expertise: Algebraic Geometry, Algebraic Topology, Singularity Theory
E-mail: nemethi.andras[at]
Areas of expertise: Algebraic Geometry, Algebraic Topology, Singularity Theory

Adrian-Olimpiu PETRUŞEL
E-mail: petrusel[at]
Areas of expertise: Nonlinear Analysis, Differential Equations, Fixed Point Theory
E-mail: petrusel[at]
Areas of expertise: Nonlinear Analysis, Differential Equations, Fixed Point Theory

E-mail: cpintea[at]
Areas of expertise: Differential Geometry and Riemannian Geometry, Algebraic Topology and Differential Topology, Convexity and Monotone Operators
E-mail: cpintea[at]
Areas of expertise: Differential Geometry and Riemannian Geometry, Algebraic Topology and Differential Topology, Convexity and Monotone Operators

E-mail: r.precup[at]
Areas of expertise: Nonlinear Functional Analysis, Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations
E-mail: r.precup[at]
Areas of expertise: Nonlinear Functional Analysis, Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations

E-mail: salagean[at]
Areas of expertise: Complex Analysis, Geometric Function Theory
E-mail: salagean[at]
Areas of expertise: Complex Analysis, Geometric Function Theory

SZÁNTÓ Csaba-Lehel
E-mail: csaba.szanto[at]
Areas of expertise: Representation Theory of Finite Dimensional Algebras, Ringel-Hall Algebras, Gabriel-Roiter Measure Theory, Matrix Pencils, Quantum Groups, Combinatorics
E-mail: csaba.szanto[at]
Areas of expertise: Representation Theory of Finite Dimensional Algebras, Ringel-Hall Algebras, Gabriel-Roiter Measure Theory, Matrix Pencils, Quantum Groups, Combinatorics
Computer Science

Anca-Mirela ANDREICA
E-mail: anca[at]
Areas of expertise: Applied Computational Intelligence
E-mail: anca[at]
Areas of expertise: Applied Computational Intelligence

Camelia CHIRA
E-mail: cchira[at]
Areas of expertise: Metaheuristics, Computational Intelligence, Complex Systems
E-mail: cchira[at]
Areas of expertise: Metaheuristics, Computational Intelligence, Complex Systems

E-mail: mihai.craciun[at]
Areas of expertise: Software Enginering, Software Verification, Programming Languages, Type Systems, Formal Methods, Blockchain
E-mail: mihai.craciun[at]
Areas of expertise: Software Enginering, Software Verification, Programming Languages, Type Systems, Formal Methods, Blockchain

Gabriela CZIBULA
E-mail: gabis[at]
Areas of expertise: Computational Intelligence, Machine Learning, Distributed Artificial Intelligence
E-mail: gabis[at]
Areas of expertise: Computational Intelligence, Machine Learning, Distributed Artificial Intelligence

E-mail: istvanc[at]
Areas of expertise: Search Based Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence
E-mail: istvanc[at]
Areas of expertise: Search Based Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence

E-mail: sergiu.darabant[at]
Areas of expertise: Image Processing, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Convolutional Networks, Distributed Systems, Databases
E-mail: sergiu.darabant[at]
Areas of expertise: Image Processing, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Convolutional Networks, Distributed Systems, Databases

Laura-Silvia DIOŞAN
E-mail: lauras[at]
Areas of expertise: Nature-inspired Computation, Machine Learning, Applied Computational Intelligence
E-mail: lauras[at]
Areas of expertise: Nature-inspired Computation, Machine Learning, Applied Computational Intelligence

E-mail: noemi.gasko[at]
Areas of expertise: Nature-inspired Optimization Algorithms, Computational Game Theory, Complex Networks
E-mail: noemi.gasko[at]
Areas of expertise: Nature-inspired Optimization Algorithms, Computational Game Theory, Complex Networks

E-mail: motogna[at]
Areas of expertise: Software Engineering, Software Quality, Empirical Methods in Software Engineering
E-mail: motogna[at]
Areas of expertise: Software Engineering, Software Quality, Empirical Methods in Software Engineering

Bazil PÂRV
E-mail: bparv[at]
Areas of expertise: Software Engineering, Modeling and Simulation, Scientific Computation
E-mail: bparv[at]
Areas of expertise: Software Engineering, Modeling and Simulation, Scientific Computation

Horia F. POP
E-mail: hfpop[at]
Areas of expertise: Computational Intelligence, Intelligent Data Analysis
E-mail: hfpop[at]
Areas of expertise: Computational Intelligence, Intelligent Data Analysis

Andreea VESCAN
E-mail: andreea.vescan[at]
Areas of expertise: Software engineering, Software testing, Search-Based Software Testing, Embedded systems, Computer Science Education
E-mail: andreea.vescan[at]
Areas of expertise: Software engineering, Software testing, Search-Based Software Testing, Embedded systems, Computer Science Education
Associated Ph. D. Coordinators

Valer-Daniel BREAZ
“1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia
E-mail: dbreaz[at]
Areas of expertise: Complex Analysis, Geometric Function Theory
“1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia
E-mail: dbreaz[at]
Areas of expertise: Complex Analysis, Geometric Function Theory