Dr. Louis Funar, Institutul Fourier, Universitatea Grenoble, Franța: Braided surfaces and their characteristic maps
Vineri, 21 mai, ora începând cu ora 13:00 va avea loc conferința invitată a domnului cercetător dr. Louis Funar de la Institutul Fourier, Universitatea Grenoble, Franța, cu titlul:
Braided surfaces and their characteristic maps
Evenimentul se va desfășura on-line, pe Zoom, la următoarea adresă:
Meeting ID: 993 2316 7449
Parolă: 412841
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Abstract: Our aim is to show that branched coverings of surfaces of large enough genus arise as characteristic maps of braided surfaces. In the reverse direction we show that any non abelian surface group has infinitely many finite simple non abelian groups quotients with characteristic kernels which do not contain any simple loop and hence the quotient maps do not factor through free groups. Eventually we discuss about topological invariants of braided surfaces arising from finite dimensional Hermitian representations of braid groups.