Dr. Attila Maróti, Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics: A generalization of the diameter bound of Liebeck and Shalev for finite simple groups

In data de 13 octombrie 2022, ora 10:30, sala „pi” din clădirea Mathematica, va avea loc prelegerea invitată cu titlul:

A generalization of the diameter bound of Liebeck and Shalev for finite simple groups

susținută de Dr. Attila Maróti, Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics, Budapesta, Ungaria.

Abstract: We will study conditions on when a finite group can be expressed as a product of some of its conjugacy classes. The talk is based on two papers. We will first discuss a work on simple groups joint with Laszlo Pyber and then a work on alternating groups joint with Martino Garonzi.