Decision of the Faculty Council – The methodology for the organization and conduct of final examinations at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science in the examination periods July/September 2024
Nr. 1596/21.11.2023
Approved by the Faculty Council at the meeting held on November 11, 2023
This methodology is an annex to the Regulation on the organization and conduct of final examinations for bachelor’s and master’s degree studies approved by the UBB Senate Decision and is in accordance with the provisions of the National Education Law No.1/2011, together with its amendments and supplements, as well as the Ministry Regulation No. 6125 of December 20, 2016, concerning the approval of the Methodological framework for the organization and conduct of the final examinations on bachelor’s and master’s level, as well as the Charter of Babeș-Bolyai University (BBU).
In each academic year, the bachelor’s and master’s final examinations are organized in two ordinary sessions, in June-July, respectively, in September, with the same tests and topics. Registration of graduates for the bachelor’s or master’s final examination is according to the announced calendar and to a methodology announced in due time on the web page of the faculty.
In the preparation process for the bachelor’s or master’s thesis, the Guidelines for writing, formatting, and defending the bachelor’s, master’s, or final thesis, as well as the appendix regarding the Declaration of Authenticity (see Annex 5), are followed. The bachelor’s/master’s thesis must be written and defended in the language of the specialization followed by the graduate or in a language of great international circulation.
A similarity test is carried out for each thesis. A bachelor’s/master’s thesis is accepted for defense if the similarity index is 30% or less.
The final examination (bachelor’s/master’s level) is considered passed if the overall grade is at least 6.00. The results for each part of the final exam will be announced on the AcademicInfo platform no later than 48 hours after the last candidate has been tested.
Regarding the intellectual property rights and copyrights of the thesis, as well as the related applications (where that is the case),
- The author owns the intellectual property rights;
- The university has the right to reproduce or publish the entire thesis or parts of it.
If the thesis is prepared in collaboration with experts outside the faculty, the student must submit Appendix 4 to the department’s secretarial office no later than March 1 of the year in which the thesis defense takes place.
A. The examination on bachelor’s level
- The examination on bachelor’s level at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science consists of two examinations:
- First examination: evaluation of basic and specialized knowledge: written exam.
- Second examination: presentation and defense of the thesis: oral presentation.
- Each of these two exams is considered to be passed if the grade is at least 5.00.
- The result of the second examination cannot be contested as it is an oral presentation.
- The grade of the final exam is the arithmetic mean of the grade of exam 1 and the grade of exam 2.
First examination:
- The first examination will be taken on the topic approved and announced at least six months before registration for the final exam.
- The dean of the faculty (in consultation with the department heads) appoints subject committees that make up the exam subjects and the corresponding marking scale, based on the exam topic.
- The dean of the faculty (in consultation with the department heads) appoints evaluation committees made up of a sufficient number of teaching staff who carry out the evaluation activity. Also, at the proposal of the department directors, the dean also appoints appeals committees, of which the teaching staff who do the initial evaluation cannot be part. When re-correcting, the grade obtained is changed only if there is a difference strictly greater than 0.50 points between the initial grade of the paper and the grade obtained after re-correction, with the exception of grades below 5.00 and grades above 9.50, situations in which the final grade of the paper is the mark from the re-correction.
- The duration of the written test is 3 hours. The minimum passing grade for the written test is 5.00. Two members of the evaluation committee evaluate each subject. Each teacher gives a whole grade so that there is no difference of more than one point between any two evaluators. The subject’s grade is the arithmetic mean of the grades awarded.
The scoring is done as follows:
Mathematics specialization:
- Mathematics major: the arithmetic mean of the grades of the three examination topics from the mathematics field (Algebra, Differential and integral calculus, Geometry);
- Mathematics-Computer Science major: 2/3 of the mathematics grade + 1/3 of the computer science grade. The mathematics grade is calculated using the same formula as for the mathematics major.
Computer Science specialization:
- Computer Science major: the arithmetic mean of the grades for the three examination topics from the computer science field (Algorithms and programming, Databases, Operating systems).
Second examination:
- The second part of the exam consists of the presentation and defense of the bachelor’s thesis (oral presentation), as well as questions regarding the content of the paper.
- The candidate will be given 15 minutes to present the paper and 5 minutes to answer questions from the commission.
- For the second examination, each member of the evaluation commission assigns a whole grade, so that there is no difference of more than two points between the evaluators. The final grade of the test is the arithmetic mean of the grades awarded. The Evaluation Scale is detailed in Annex 1, and the model of the Commission Evaluation Sheet is in Annex 2.
- If the scientific supervisor of the thesis cannot attend the public defense of the coordinated work, then he/she must prepare an evaluation report (see a sample in Annex 3).
- A grade obtained by a candidate in one of the previous examination sessions of the final examination may be recognized, at the student’s request, in the current examination session, provided that the structure and content of the examination have not changed significantly. Recognition is made by the equivalence commission at the faculty level based on a request that the student submit to the secretariat by a date set before the start of registration for the bachelor’s exam, according to the announced calendar for the graduation session.
B. The examination on master’s level
- The final master’s exam consists of the presentation and defense of the thesis (oral presentation), followed by a question session on the topic of the paper.
- The candidate will be given 15 minutes to present the paper and 5 minutes to answer questions from the commission.
- Each member of the evaluation commission assigns a whole grade so that there is no difference of more than two points between the grades of any two members, and the final grade of the test is the arithmetic mean of the marks awarded. The Evaluation Scale is detailed in Annex 1, and the model of the Commission Evaluation Sheet is in Annex 2.
- If the scientific supervisor of the thesis cannot attend the public defense of the coordinated work, then he/she must prepare an evaluation report (see a sample in Annex 3).
- The results obtained in the presentation and defense of the master’s thesis cannot be contested as they are part of an oral examination.
Note: This decision may be amended and supplemented in accordance with subsequent regulations issued at the national and university levels.
The following documents are an integral part of this methodology:
- Topics for the evaluation of basic and specialized knowledge in the bachelor’s exam
- Guidelines on Writing, Formatting, and Defending the Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Graduation Thesis
- Annex 1 – Evaluation Scale
- Annex 2 – Commission Evaluation Sheet
- Annex 3 – Coordinator Report
- Annex 4 – Collaboration Agreement
- Annex 5 – Declaration of Authenticity
Topics for the bachelor’s exam
Computer Science, Romanian version
Computer Science, Hungarian version
Computer Science, English version
Computer Science, German version
Mathematics-Computer Science, Romanian version
Mathematics-Computer Science, English version
Mathematics, Romanian version
Mathematics-Computer Science, Hungarian version
Mathematics, Hungarian version