Decision no. 72/26.01.2023 of the Council of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science on the use of the doctoral grant starting from the academic year 2022-2023

The Faculty Council, having regard to the BBU Methodology on the use of research funds from doctoral grants approved by the BBU Council on 2.12.2014 and Resolution No. 2938/21.03.2022 of the BBU council on the distribution of the doctoral grant by categories of expenditure starting from the academic year 2021-2022, approves the following resolution:

  • The research fund allocated to each doctoral student, on a tuition-free place, is 50% of the research fund associated with the doctoral grant: 5250 lei for the academic year 2022-2023 (50% of 10500 lei, according to HCA No. 2938/21.03.2022).
  • The research fund allocated to doctoral students, in an academic year, can be used, at the proposal of the doctoral student and with the approval of the scientific supervisor, the director of the Doctoral School of Mathematics and Computer Science, and the dean of the faculty for:
    • material expenses, services, and equipment related to the research programme (maximum 20% of the research fund allocated to the Ph.D. student);
    • expenses for field trips in order to carry out the research programme;
    • expenses for participation in scientific conferences/workshops, summer schools, research internships, and publication of scientific articles.
  • Access to the above funds is on the basis of a written statement and a supporting memorandum.
  • Records of expenses incurred by doctoral students are kept by the Secretary of the Doctoral School.