Conferinţă invitată: From Verification to Specification Inference
Luni, 25 februarie 2013, ora 12:00
cladirea Campus, sala C310
From Verification to Specification Inference
Prof. dr. Wei-Ngan Chin (Department of Computer Science, National University of Singapore)
We propose an approach to automated verification whose focus is on designing good specification mechanisms to achieve better expressivity and better verifiability. Moreover, we are also interested in providing the necessary tools to assist the user with the important but tedious task of constructing desired specifications.
Our framework allows specification construction to be done selectively and incrementally. We highlight the key principles for doing this through a novel process, called pure bi-abduction. We shall how this
process can be complemented by a predicate derivation procedure.
About the Speaker
Wei-Ngan Chin received his BSc and MSc in Computer Science from the University of Manchester and a PhD in Computing from Imperial College, London. He is presently an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science, National University of Singapore.
His research interests are in programming languages and software engineering. He has worked on various program analyses and verification techniques that are aimed at improving clarity, reliability and reusability of software. He and his students are currently building and enhancing an automated verification toolkit, called SLEEK/HIP, based on separation logic.