Conferinţă invitată: Horizontal factorizations of zeta functions – Prof. dr. Christopher Deninger, University of Münster

Joi, 19 aprilie 2012, ora 12:00
Mathematicum, sala e

Horizontal factorizations of zeta functions


Prof. dr. Christopher Deninger, University of Münster


In a famous paper from 1958 Taniyama introduced the notion of a compatible system of l-adic representations and proved several results about abelian varieties with complex multiplication that have become classical. The paper also contains a result which was much less understood: an intriguing formula for the zeta function of an abelian variety as an infinite product of modified Artin L-functions. Taniyama proved it by using arguments about the l-adic Tate representation. We will give a direct geometric proof of this formula which holds for more general group schemes and which explains its deeper nature. This is joint work with Dimitri Wegner.