Anunţuri din categoria: Comunicări ştiinţifice

Advances in Differential Equations: Symmetrizations and Related Topics

March 14-15 2013 Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj Napoca Thursday – Room e (Mathematicum) 14:50-15:00 A. Kristály Opening Addresses 15:00-15:30 A. Petruşel Ulam-Hyers stability for fixed point problems and applications 15:30-16:00 Cs. Varga A multiplicity result for a class of elliptic problems on compact Riemannian manifolds 16:00-16:30 M. Mihăilescu The asymptotic

Dr. Charles Reichhardt – Jamming and Clogging Transitions for Systems with Quenched Disorder

Dr. Charles Reichhardt – Jamming and Clogging Transitions for Systems with Quenched Disorder
CONFERINTA 7 Martie 2013, ora 16:00 Amfiteatrul Augustin Maior (Cladirea principala UBB) Jamming and Clogging Transitions for Systems with Quenched Disorder Speaker Dr. Charles Reichhardt Theoretical Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, USA Abstract Jamming can occur in systems consisting of collections of particles when the response of the system changes from a fluid

Conference: Prof. Endre Szemerédi (Abel Prize Winner 2012) – On Subset Sums

Conference: Prof. Endre Szemerédi (Abel Prize Winner 2012) – On Subset Sums
CONFERENCE Tuesday, March 5th 2013, 12:00-13.00, Tiberiu Popoviciu Aula, Babeş-Bolyai University Main Building On Subset Sums Speaker Prof. Endre Szemerédi (Abel Prize Winner 2012) Professor of Computer Science at Rutgers University and Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics Budapest Abstract Event Photos

Conferinţă invitată: From Verification to Specification Inference

CONFERINTA Luni, 25 februarie 2013, ora 12:00 cladirea Campus, sala C310 From Verification to Specification Inference Speaker Prof. dr. Wei-Ngan Chin (Department of Computer Science, National University of Singapore) Abstract We propose an approach to automated verification whose focus is on designing good specification mechanisms to achieve better expressivity and better verifiability. Moreover, we are

Conferinţă invitată: The cut polytope and the image of the correlation map

CONFERINTA Miercuri, 6 februarie 2013, ora 11:00 cladirea Mathematicum, sala e The cut polytope and the image of the correlation map Speaker Orest Bucicovschi (University of California, San Diego) Abstract Inspired from the „monogamy of entaglement” inequalities Meyer(2010, to be published) proposed the study of the domains of pairwise correlations (concurrencies) for random variables (classical)

Conferinţă invitată: Megadezastre – stiinta predictiei marilor catastrofe

Conferinţă invitată: Megadezastre – stiinta predictiei marilor catastrofe
Vineri 15 iunie 2012, de la ora 12:00, in sala 6/II a Facultatii de Matematica si Informatica prof. dr. Florin Diacu, univ. Victoria, BC, Canada va sustine conferinta: Megadezastre – stiinta predictiei marilor catastrofe

Conferinţă invitată: Horizontal factorizations of zeta functions – Prof. dr. Christopher Deninger, University of Münster

CONFERINTA Joi, 19 aprilie 2012, ora 12:00 Mathematicum, sala e Horizontal factorizations of zeta functions Speaker Prof. dr. Christopher Deninger, University of Münster Abstract In a famous paper from 1958 Taniyama introduced the notion of a compatible system of l-adic representations and proved several results about abelian varieties with complex multiplication that have become

Communications 2009-2010

Wednesday, November 11 2009, 12:30 hours, e hall (Mathematicum building): Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wendland (Universität Stuttgart): „Stokes expansion for 2D-flow around a porous obstacle” Tuesday, October 27 2009, 12:15 hours, π hall (Mathematicum building): Prof. Dr. Christopher Deninger (Universität Münster): „How to count points on singular surfaces over finite fields” Thursday, October 8 2009, 13:00 hours, π

Conferinţă invitată: How to count points on singular surfaces over finite fields

CONFERINTA Marti, 27 octombrie 2009, ora 12:15 cladirea Mathematicum, sala π How to count points on singular surfaces over finite fields Speaker Prof. dr. Christopher Deninger (Universität Münster) Abstract For a smooth projective variety X over a finite field F the zeta function is a generating series for the numbers of points of X in

Rolul seminariilor de cercetare: Seminarul de Teoria Punctului Fix: 1969-2009

DEPARTAMENTUL DE MATEMATICĂ APLICATĂ CATEDRA DE ECUAŢI DIFERENŢIALE anunţă MASA ROTUNDĂ Rolul seminariilor de cercetare: Seminarul de Teoria Punctului Fix: 1969-2009 Moderator Prof. dr. Radu PRECUP Vorbitori: Prof. dr. Vasile BERINDE Prof. dr. Nicolae LUNGU Prof. dr. Adrian PETRUSEL Prof. dr. Viorel RADU Prof. dr. Ioan A. RUS Sedinţa va avea loc joi, 8 octombrie