Anunţuri din categoria: Comunicări ştiinţifice
Prof. Frédéric Loulergue, University of Orléans: Systematic Development of Correct Programs for Parallel Computing
CONFERINŢĂ Miercuri, 05.02.2014, ora 12:00 Sala C335, Campus Systematic Development of Correct Programs for Parallel Computing Speaker Pr. Frédéric Loulergue, University of Orléans Abstract With parallel machines being now the norm (from smart-phones to super-computers) and no longer restricted to a niche, concurrent and parallel programming has also to become widespread. To do so, it
Dr. Jan Zemlicka, Charles University, Prague: Koethe’s Conjecture and Selfinjective Regular Rings
CONFERINŢĂ Joi, 12.12.2013, ora 10:00 Sala colectivului de Algebră Koethe’s Conjecture and Selfinjective Regular Rings Speaker Dr. Jan Zemlicka, Charles University, Prague Abstract One among many equivalent formulation of the Koethe’s conjecture is the assertion that there exists no ring which contains two nil right ideals whose sum is not nil. I will discus several
Prof. I. M. Cherevko: On the main fields of research at the Department of Mathematics and Informatics of Chernivtsi National University & Prof. M. M. Popov: Introduction to narrow operators
Joi, 14 noiembrie 2013, o delegaţie de la Facultatea de Matematică şi Informatică de la Universitatea din Cernăuţi, Ucraina, vizitează facultatea noastră. Cu aceasta ocazie se vor susţine două conferinţe: On the main fields of research at the Department of Mathematics and Informatics of Chernivtsi National University Speaker: Prof. I. M. Cherevko, Dean of the
Assoc. Professor Mohammad Mansur Rahman: Convection in Nanofluids
CONFERINŢĂ Marţi, 12 noiembrie 2013, ora 14:00 Clădirea Mathematicum, sala e Convection in Nanofluids Speaker Assoc. Professor Mohammad Mansur Rahman, PhD, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, College of Science, Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman
Acad. profesor emerit dr. András Prékopa: On the Relationship between the Bounding Discrete and Continuous Moment Problems
CONFERINŢĂ Vineri, 8 noiembrie 2013, ora 13:00 Clădirea Centrală, sala 5/I On the Relationship between the Bounding Discrete and Continuous Moment Problems Joint work with Anh Ninh and Gabriela Alexe, Rutgers University Speaker Acad. profesor emerit dr András Prékopa L. Eötvös University, Budapest and Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ Abstract In the second half of
Prof. Florian Potra, University of Maryland: Equilibria and Weighted Complementarity Problems
CONFERINŢĂ Joi, 18 iulie 2013, ora 12:00 Clădirea Mathematicum, sala e Equilibria and Weighted Complementarity Problems Speaker Prof. Florian Potra, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, SUA
Prof. Constantin Corduneanu: O privire către al treilea stagiu al Analizei Fourier
CONFERINŢĂ Marţi, 25 iunie 2013, ora 12:00 Clădirea Centrală, sala Tiberiu Popoviciu O privire către al treilea stagiu al Analizei Fourier Speaker Prof. Constantin Corduneanu, University of Texas at Arlington, SUA Abstract Se consideră serii trigonometrice generalizate şi se prezintă legătura cu funcţii ce reprezintă suma lor.
Conferinţe invitate: Prof. Dr. Preda Mihailescu – Classical Open Problems in Iwasawa Theory & Prof. Dr. Themistocles M. Rassias – On Some Major Trends in Mathematics
Miercuri 29 mai 2013, orele 12-14, vor avea loc in sala „pi” din cladirea Mathematicum, urmatoarele conferinte invitate: Prof. Dr. Preda Mihailescu (Universitatea Georg August, Gottingen, Germania): Classical Open Problems in Iwasawa Theory; Prof. Dr. Themistocles M. Rassias (Technical University, Atena, Grecia): On Some Major Trends in Mathematics.
Pinczel Balázs & Pinczel Máté – Semantic Web and its Applications
CONFERINTA Miercuri, 10 aprilie 2013, ora 12:30 Campus, sala 310 Semantic Web and its Applications Speakers Pinczel Balázs & Pinczel Máté, ELTE University Budapest
Prof. Andi Kivinukk – Approximation by Shannon Sampling Operators
CONFERINTA Marti, 19 martie 2013, ora 14:00 cladirea Mathematicum, sala e Approximation by Shannon Sampling Operators Speaker Prof. Andi Kivinukk, Tallinn University, Estonia