Communications 2007-2008

  • Tuesday, April 23 2008, 13:00 hours, Tiberiu Popoviciu hall:
    • Chair of Geometry
    • Conf. Dr. Paul A.Blaga, „Teorie Morse discreta pentru CW-complexe regulare”
    • Asist. Ildiko Mezei, „Rezultate de multiplicitate pentru ecuatii cvaziliniare eliptice”
  • Tuesday, March 18 2008, 13:00 hours, Tiberiu Popoviciu hall:
    • Chair of Mathematical Analysis
    • J. Kolumban, I. Marchis, T. Szasz, „On elliptic PDEs in some growing fractals domains”
  • Tuesday, February 26 2008, 13:00 hours, Tiberiu Popoviciu hall:
    • Chair of Information Systems
    • Lect. Dr. Rareş Boian, „Virtual walk on haptic virtual surfaces”
    • Asist. Adrian Sterca, „TCP friendly multimedia streams and flows”
  • Tuesday, January 29 2008, 13:00 hours, Tiberiu Popoviciu hall:
    • Chair of Algebra
    • Lect. Dr. Ciprian Modoi, „Localisations and colocalisations”
    • Student Istvan Suteu-Szollosi
  • Wednesday, January 9 2008, 12:00 hours, C335 hall, Campus Building:
    1. Assoc. Prof. Horvath Gyula (University of Szeged, Hungary), „Online Evaluation System (Description, implementation, impact on education) „
  • Tuesday, December 11 2007, 13:00 hours, Tiberiu Popoviciu hall:
    1. Prof. Wolfgang L. Wendland (Universitaet Stuttgart, Germany), „Boundary integral operators and pseudo-differential operators”
  • Monday, December 3 2007, 16:00 hours, Nicolae Iorga hall:
    1. John Yen and Hank Foley (College of Information Sciences and Technology, The Pennsylvania State University), „Probabilistic Community Discovery for Large-Scale Social Networks”
  • Tuesday, November 20 2007, 13:00 hours, Tiberiu Popoviciu hall:
    1. Prof. David Julitz (Martin Luther Universitaet, Halle-Wittenberg, Germany), „Attractors for Selections of Random Differential Inclusions”
  • Tuesday, October 23 2007, 13:00 hours, Tiberiu Popoviciu hall:
    1. Prof. Francesca Faraci (Univ. Catania), „Infinitely many solutions for
      a Schrodinger equation involving an oscillatory nonlinearity”
    2. Prof. Antonio Iannizzotto (Univ. Catania), „A conjecture for finding
      nonconvex Chebyshev sets in Hilbert spaces”
  • Monday, October 1 2007, 10:00 hours, opening of the 2007-2008 academic year:
    1. Mr. Leontin Toderici, Executive Director, Banca Transilvania, „Implicatii ale matematicii în economia de astazi”
    2. Mr. Andrei Kovacs, Xoomworks, „Development perspectives in the software industry” and Mr. Mihai Nadas, III year student in Computer Science in English, „Cerintele asupra proiectelor de informatica pentru studenti”
    3. Mr. Marcel Anghel, ISDC, „Perspective de cariera în industria soft”, and Mr. Paul Valentin Borza, III year student in Computer Science in English, „Ce înseamna sa fii student la informatica”