Blinksale 2015 Paid Summer Internship

Start your career in building web and mobile applications.
Apply for the paid 2015 Summer Internship at:


We are looking for people that are enthusiastic about the craft of making software, about technology in general, who want to see their work can help and improve the lives of a lot of people. You should have basic knowledge about programming languages, OOP, operating systems, the web, how the internet and computers work in general.

You will learn:

  • To use modem languages and frameworks like AngularJS, Ember.js, Ruby on Rails, Node.js to build APIs and talk to other APls; build rich Uls
  • To use source control to manage and collaborate on code
  • Agile development practices like TDD, pair programming, code reviews, Scrum, continuous integration
  • To use project management tools lo plan and track your work
  • The process of developing products, from inception to deployment
  • How to decide on tradeoffs between time/scope/cost
  • How to write code that is easy to maintain

The Internship:

Sign up at: by May 1, 2015
Interviews: May 18 – May 31
Internship: July 1 – August 21

We offer:

  • Paid internship
  • A chance to learn modem technologies
  • Possibility of signing a contract after the internship is over

Learn more about Blinksale at for
more information about the internship