Anunţuri din categoria: Anunţuri

RIST 2017 Internship

RIST 2017 Internship
The Romanian Institute of Science and Technology welcomes as interns students in computer science, mathematics, physics and engineering. To apply, please fill the form at no later than April 30, 2017. More information is available at

Laitek 2017 Internship

Laitek 2017 Internship
LAITEK Romania is a company established in 2002 as the Romanian outpost of Laitek of Chicago, Illinois, originally as Light Soft. With an activity centered in the Medical Software area, the company enjoyed constant growth in its capitalization over the years. In 2013, LightSoft was fully acquired and it is now a wholly owned subsidiary

Student Tech Space: Agile principles for any project

Student Tech Space: Agile principles for any project
Do you want to be agile? Ask our Panther 🐾 Agile is to do right things right. For right things product owner is in charge. For things right team is in charge. In this presentation we will show you how to build any software application being Agile.

Connections in Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space and Planetary Sciences – International Conference, 29-30 May 2017, Cluj-Napoca

Connections in Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space and Planetary Sciences – International Conference, 29-30 May 2017, Cluj-Napoca
Astronomical Institute of the Romanian Academy and the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science and the Faculty of Physics of the Babeş-Bolyai University are organizing within the Cluj Academic Days 2017 the International Conference "Connections in Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space and Planetary Sciences". The conference will take place on 29 and 30 of May 2017 at the Astronomical Observatory.

Programul național Tabere Studențești 2017

Cererile pentru tabere se pot depune începând cu data de 24 aprilie 2017 la secretariatul facultăţii. Ordin nr. 319 din 03.04.2017 – pentru aprobarea Metodologiei de organizare și desfășurare a Programului Național „Tabere studențești” 2017 Metodologia privind organizarea și desfășurarea Programului Național „Tabere Studențești” 2017 Anexa 1 – Repartizarea numărului de studenți beneficiari ai programului

Întâlnirea promoţiei 1997, secţiile Matematică şi Informatică

Dragi foşti colegi, dragi foşti profesori, au trecut 20 de ani de când am plecat de pe băncile facultăţii. Ne vom revedea în aceleaşi bănci ale sălii Gheorghe Călugăreanu (6/II), în ziua de 21 iulie 2017, începând cu ora 10:00, Sperăm să răspundeţi prezent în număr cât mai mare! În continuare vă aşteptăm să petrecem

Prof. Ulrich Abel, TH Mittelhessen, University of Applied Sciences, Friedberg, Germania: Asymptotic properties of Chlodovsky polynomials

Prof. Ulrich Abel, TH Mittelhessen, University of Applied Sciences, Friedberg, Germania: Asymptotic properties of Chlodovsky polynomials
Marți 25 aprilie 2017 de la ora 14, în sala „e” din clădirea Mathematica, va avea loc conferința invitată susținută de prof. Ulrich Abel de la TH Mittelhessen, University of Applied Sciences, Friedberg, Germania, cu titlul: Asymptotic properties of Chlodovsky polynomials.

Betfair 2017 Internship

Betfair 2017 Internship
Part of the Paddy Power Betfair Group, Betfair Romania Development is the company's largest Development Centre. Based in Cluj, it hires over 520 professionals skilled in a wide range of programming languages, infrastructure, information security & governance, project and programme management, product management, business operations and marketing. The people in our teams are passionate about creating products that are unrivalled across the industry. Our work in Romania is focused on 3 main streams: Enterprise & Platform, E-commerce & Mobile and Gaming.

Altom Consulting 2017 Internship

Altom Consulting 2017 Internship
We are looking for new colleagues to join our Summer Internship program. Find out more details about Altom and send you CV at

Optima Group 2017 Summer Internship

Optima Group 2017 Summer Internship
A Romanian software company with proven competencies for ISV & Data Management solutions (BI), is offering 4 available positions for 2017 Summer Internship, as follows: .NET Developer (2 positions), Software Support Specialist (2 positions) How to apply: send your CV and motivation letter to Selection process: based on CV, the selected participants will pass a technical interview.