Anunţuri din categoria: Anunţuri

Yardi Romania Programming Internship (Summer 2018)

Yardi Romania Programming Internship (Summer 2018)
Make the most out of this summer! Join our 3-month, paid internship in programming for a chance to work on real projects, find mentors and a great team, plus earn good pay while gaining serious work experience. We are looking to hire 15 interns. You can choose to grow your knowledge in one of the following technological fields: .NET, Perl, Xamarin, AI. Application deadline: April 18, 2018 Internship time frame: July-September 2018 (3 months)

Telenav Internship 2018

Telenav Internship 2018
Looking for a summer internship? Keep calm and choose the one that fits you best. These are our internship programs: C++, Java, Android, iOS, UX Design, QT, Image processing & machine learning, Map Analyst. Our internship programs start on July 2nd, so if you want to apply, send your CV until 15th of May to

Hotărârea Consiliului facultăţii cu privire la sesiunea specială (iunie 2018)

Aprobată în Consiliul facultăţii din 13 martie 2018 În conformitate cu art. 28 din Regulamentul de activitate profesională a studenţilor (nivel licenţă şi master) din Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai şi în baza Sistemului European de Credite Transferabile (ECTS), în şedinţa Consiliului  Facultăţii de Matematică şi Informatică din 13 martie 2018 a fost luată în discuţie decizia organizării,

NGi Systems: 2018 Augmented Reality Summer Internship

NGi Systems: 2018 Augmented Reality Summer Internship
Augmented Reality is at the stage of becoming a mature commercial technology, attracting interest in a variety of industries. NGi Systems is partnering with UBB to drive innovation in this field in Cluj-Napoca.

NetMatch Internship 2018

NetMatch Internship 2018
Esti pregatit/a de o provocare vara aceasta? NetMatch te invita si in aceasta vara sa faci parte din echipa lor, participand la unul dintre programele de internship organizate: Software development (.NET) sau Software Testing, in perioada iulie-august 2018. Pentru mai multe detalii vizitati:

Transart Internship Experience Program

Transart Internship Experience Program
Join Transart Internship Experience Program. Internship open positions: Business Intelligence Internship LAB, WEB Development Mastery Internship If you are talented, ambitious and you want to develop new useful skills we would like you to send us your CV and motivation letter, until June 1st, at

Orarul cursurilor Şcolii Doctorale de Matematică și Informatică pentru semestrul II al anului universitar 2017-2018

Disciplina Cadrul didactic Curs Seminar Ziua Ora Sala Ziua Ora Sala Domeniul Matematică Tehnici de aproximare a funcţiilor Prof. dr. Agratini Octavian Joi 14-16 pi Joi 16-17 pi Teoria categoriilor Prof. dr. Crivei Septimiu Marți 9-11 A303 Marți 11-12 A303 Teoria geometrică a funcțiilor de mai multe variabile complexe Prof. dr. Kohr Gabriela Luni 12-14

Join the 2018 International Quant Championship!

Join the 2018 International Quant Championship!
Join the 2018 INTERNATIONAL QUANT CHAMPIONSHIP! This global, team-based competition is part of the WorldQuant Challenge and involves creating mathematical models that, when used in combination with historical data, seek to predict price movements of securities and various financial instruments. The competition will provide numerous incentives including potential opportunities for full-time positions, internships and consulting

Calendarul Admiterii la Studii de Doctorat, septembrie 2018

Calendarul de admitere la studii universitare de doctorat în anul 2018 este următorul: 3 – 13 septembrie 2018: înscrierea la concursul de admitere (la sediul Institutului de Studii Doctorale din UBB); Desfăşurarea probelor din cadrul concursului de admitere: 18 septembrie 2018, ora 9.00: Colocviu de admitere pentru candidații din domeniul Informatică (clădirea FSEGA, str. T.

Bosch Internship 2018

Bosch Internship 2018
Join the Bosch Engineering Center Cluj student program and you will: Shape the future with your ideas | Meet the challenges of future technologies and discover game-changing solutions | Gain deep insights into topics of software, hardware, reliability engineering and mechanics. Make it happen. Apply online: