Anunţuri din categoria: Anunţuri

Wayfare Internship 2018

Wayfare Internship 2018
Progress this summer! You will find at Wayfare an engaging work environment with talented, dedicated and fun people. You will be given the opportunity to gain valuable hands-on experience, develop new technical and behavioral skills, while your performance will be recognized and valued. When? Starting from 16th of July until 7th of August 2018.

Sage Intacct Internship 2018

Sage Intacct Internship 2018
Do what you love, love what you do. How about spending your summer learning the essentials of software development & testing? Work with tech savvy colleagues, get paid for it, & have free days to enjoy your favorite summer festivals. How do I get in? Prove that you have the OOP skills & demonstrate your passion for software. Send your resume to no later than 24th of April.

The Catalysts Coding Contest is back!

The Catalysts Coding Contest is back!
The waiting is finally over – the Catalysts Coding Contest is back! Register here: and join us on Friday, April 27, from 16:00 @FSEGA! Prepare yourself for an exciting afternoon where you’ll meet a lot of people who share your passion. Make some noise at the contest, show us what you’ve got and we

Accenture Internship 2018

Accenture Internship 2018
Renew and reinvent your skills. Sharpen your skills, build an extraordinary career and play a key role in delivering profound change and transforming the future of industry. • Software development • System and software architecture optimization • Complex industrial software systems • Railway automation

Bitdefender Internship 2018

Bitdefender Internship 2018
In perioada Iulie-Septembrie, Bitdefender organizează Internship plătit in cadrul biroului din Cluj-Napoca. Pentru a aplica, trimite CV-ul tau pe adresa până la data de 05.05.2018.

U-Hub Internship 2018

U-Hub Internship 2018
Are you searching for a good internship? Would you like to learn new things? Would you like to get help for your dissertation? Would you like to be part of a good community? Here is the solution: U-Hub Deadline: April 16.

SDL Internship Program 2018

SDL Internship Program 2018
"Knowledge is knowing what to do. Skill is knowing how to do it." If you have the knowledge and want to develop the skill, apply here:

Programul Casieriei Facultăţii de Matematică şi Informatică pe perioada vacanţei de Paște

În perioadă 6 aprilie 2018 – 13 aprilie 2018 nu se fac incasari. In situatia in care se doreste achitarea taxelor de scolarizare, acest lucru se poate face online prin intermediul aplicatiei Academic Info sau prin ordin de plata la banca. Daca s-a depsasit termenul de plata a taxei de scolarizare (rata 3), se calculeaza

Caravana Facultății de Matematică și Informatică 2018

Caravana Facultății de Matematică și Informatică 2018
În luna martie a acestui an, Caravana admiterii s-a desfășurat pe plaiuri moldave și a avut ca scop promovarea Facultății de Matematică și Informatică în rândul elevilor de liceu din această zonă a țării. Astfel, un număr de câteva sute de elevi de liceu au avut ocazia să afle chiar de la studenții facultății noastre

Prof. Dr. Juan Enrique Martinez Legaz (Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona): DC Programming: optimality, duality and applications

Prof. Dr. Juan Enrique Martinez Legaz (Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona):  DC Programming: optimality, duality and applications
Grupul de cercetare Analiză şi Optimizare vă invită să luați parte, joi 05.04.2018, în sala „e” din Clădirea Mathematica, începând cu orele 12:30 la conferința invitată susținută de Prof. Dr. Juan Enrique Martinez Legaz (Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona) cu titlul: DC Programming: optimality, duality and applications Abstract: This talk will present a survey on the