Anunţuri din categoria: Anunţuri

NetMatch Internship 2019

NetMatch Internship 2019
Esti pregatit/a de o provocare vara aceasta? NetMatch te invita si in aceasta vara sa faci parte din echipa lor, participand la unul dintre programele de internship organizate: Software development (.NET) sau Software Testing, in perioada Iulie-August 2019. Internship .NET (C#): Vei fi implicat in dezvoltarea unui proiect web, folosind ASP.NET MVC; Vei parcurge toate

Prezentarea programului ERASMUS pentru anul universitar 2019-2020

Prezentarea programului ERASMUS pentru anul universitar 2019-2020
În data de 20 martie 2019 (miercuri), de la ora 20:00 în sala 2/I din clădirea centrală a universităţii, va avea loc prezentarea programului ERASMUS+. Sunt aşteptaţi toţi cei interesaţi de plasament ERASMUS în perioada iulie-septembrie 2019 sau de mobilităţi de studiu în anul universitar 2019-2020. Conf. dr. Robu Judit Coordonator ERASMUS

Fortech Java Summer Internship

Fortech Java Summer Internship
You can join a 6-weeks, paid, full-time internship starting in July, with the opportunity for a long-term collaboration offer at the end of it. During the internship, you will implement a full-stack web application with Spring and React.js, by working side-by-side with a well-established team within the organization. Apply by May 31st at

Build Your Robot – STRATEC Internship 2019

Build Your Robot – STRATEC Internship 2019
STRATEC is looking for passionate students that are interested in building a robot. During a 10 week period, you will develop new skills and implement your solutions in a cross-functional team, guided by a mentor. Solve our challenge and win a fastpass for the interview. In the end, if you share our values we will

COST Action CA16228 European Network for Game Theory Workshop: Games, Dynamics and Optimization (GDO2019)

COST Action CA16228 European Network for Game Theory Workshop: Games, Dynamics and Optimization (GDO2019)
Games, Dynamics and Optimization Babeș-Bolyai University, April 9-11, 2019. The event is organized and sponsored by the COST Action CA16228 "European network for games theory" (GAMENET) and by Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

Montran Internship 2019

Montran Internship 2019
Join our 2019 Internship program! • TOP PAY +exceptional candidates are eligible for direct employment • Be directly involved in projects • Work with modern technologies • Work on Montran owned products

MHP Innovation Camp – Technical Internship Program

MHP Innovation Camp – Technical Internship Program
Join the MHP Innovation Camp – Technical Internship Program July 22nd – September 6th 2019 We are looking for 30 IT savvy techies willing to learn, code & have fun in the process. Tech details We have prepared exciting projects in which you will work with State of the Art Technologies. Depending on your personal interest or

Bursele Fulbright student 2020-2021 pentru studenții masteranzii și doctoranzii români

Bursele Fulbright student 2020-2021 pentru studenții masteranzii și doctoranzii români
Comisia Fulbright Romano-Americană și Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai din Cluj- Napoca vă invită la o prezentare a oportunităților de studiu și de cercetare în Statele Unite, prin programul de burse Fulbright: marți, 19 martie, ora 13.00 Facultatea de Științe Politice, Administrative și ale Comunicării amfiteatrul 101 str. Gen. Traian Moșoiu, nr. 71 Prezentarea se va concentra asupra

Yardi Romania Internship 2019

Yardi Romania Internship 2019
Deploy your career in programming this summer! Join our 3-month, paid internship for a chance to work on real projects, find mentors, earn good pay while gaining genuine work experience. We are looking to hire 13 interns. As a Yardi Romania intern, you will be working on real projects that make life easier for millions of people, helping them find their dream homes, administer their properties, manage tenant relationships and make smart investments.

Neusoft Internship 2019

Neusoft Internship 2019
If you are looking for a paid internship, we always have a place for knowledge-thirsty and enthusiastic people who want to think further. What your journey will look like? Your internship at Neusoft EDC will be both a fun and useful experience. Our experienced colleagues will mentor you. You will learn new things in your field and acquire a lot of knowledge.