Anunţuri din categoria: Concursuri pentru studenţi

Invitation to join the Alphathon organized by BBU and WorldQuant

Invitation to join the Alphathon organized by BBU and WorldQuant
Dear Students, WorldQuant invites you to attend a hands-on training session in Nicolae Iorga amphitheatre (Babeș-Bolyai University Main Building, Kogalniceanu Street, no.1, first floor) from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm (Bucharest local time). During this free event, you will learn the basics of quantitative finance, and how to apply your quantitative or financial skills in

Invitation to join the Alphathon organized by BBU and WorldQuant

Invitation to join the Alphathon organized by BBU and WorldQuant
Dear Students, WorldQuant invites you to attend a Quantitative Finance online Information Session on November 6, from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm (Bucharest local time). During this free event, you will learn the basics of quantitative finance, and how to apply your quantitative or financial skills in this environment. WorldQuant, a global quantitative asset management

Bosch Future Mobility Challenge Announcement

Bosch Future Mobility Challenge Announcement
Bosch Engineering Center Cluj has launched the second edition of Bosch Future Mobility Challenge, an event targeted to engage you in a technical oriented competition and to offer you a professional context in order to prove your talent. The competition offers you the opportunity to prove your abilities and to overcome challenges in a team. It is of great interest for us to support this commitment and to promote you, upcoming engineers. We are convinced that young talent, fresh ideas and extraordinary commitment are enormously important for the future of mobility.

Training IBM construire de chatbots

Training IBM construire de chatbots
În vederea participării la un concurs regional de construire de chatbots, IBM organizează o sesiune de training pentru 20 de studenți în data de 29.10.2018, între orele 12:00-14:00, în sala L301 din clădirea FSEGA. Înscrierile se fac în ordinea cererilor, printr-un mail trimis la adresa colt_alexandrina@cs.ubbcluj.ro până cel târziu joi, 25.10.2018.

Selecția echipei naționale pentru concursul „European Cyber Security Challenge 2018”

Selecția echipei naționale pentru concursul „European Cyber Security Challenge 2018”
În perioada 7-8 iulie 2018, pentru al patrulea an consecutiv, Serviciul Român de Informații, împreună cu CERT-RO și Asociația Națională pentru Securitatea Sistemelor Informatice, alături de partenerii Orange, certSIGN, CISCO, Enevo Group, Banca Transilvania, BCR, Clico, Marsh și Palo Alto Networks organizează etapa online a selecției echipei naționale pentru concursul „European Cyber Security Challenge 2018”

The Catalysts Coding Contest is back!

The Catalysts Coding Contest is back!
The waiting is finally over – the Catalysts Coding Contest is back! Register here: https://codingcontest.catalysts.cc/ and join us on Friday, April 27, from 16:00 @FSEGA! Prepare yourself for an exciting afternoon where you’ll meet a lot of people who share your passion. Make some noise at the contest, show us what you’ve got and we

Join the 2018 International Quant Championship!

Join the 2018 International Quant Championship!
Join the 2018 INTERNATIONAL QUANT CHAMPIONSHIP! This global, team-based competition is part of the WorldQuant Challenge and involves creating mathematical models that, when used in combination with historical data, seek to predict price movements of securities and various financial instruments. The competition will provide numerous incentives including potential opportunities for full-time positions, internships and consulting

Rezultatele testului de selecție pentru SEEMOUS 2018

În urma testului de selecție din 21 ianuarie, a fost stabilită echipa care va reprezenta Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai la concursul studențesc de matematică SEEMOUS 2018. Aceasta este formată din următorii studenți: Pricope Tidor Vlad, specializarea Informatică, linia română, an 1; Tötös György, specializarea Matematică, linia maghiară, an 1; Megieșan Sergiu Florentin, specializarea Matematică, linia română, an

Test de selectie in vederea participarii la SEEMOUS 2018

Editia 2018 a concursului studentesc de matematica SEEMOUS se va desfasura in perioada 27 februarie – 4 martie la Iasi. Testul de selectie, in urma caruia va fi desemnata echipa care va reprezenta Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai la aceasta competitie, va avea loc duminica 21 ianuarie 2018, intre orele 10 si 14, in sala e din cladirea

The waiting is finally over – Catalysts Coding Contest is back!

The waiting is finally over – Catalysts Coding Contest is back!
This time you will be able to participate both at the traditional Coding Contest and at the brand new Mobile Contest which will focus on mobile development! Join us on Friday, October 20, from 15:00 at FSEGA. Prepare yourself for an exciting day where you’ll meet a lot of people who share your passion. Make