Anunţuri din categoria: Oferte firme

Project Management Workshop Q_PERIOR 2023

Project Management Workshop Q_PERIOR 2023
Our full-day workshop on Traditional and Agile Project Management offers the opportunity to not only get professional input regarding project management but also gain valuable insights into the everyday life of a consultant. Don’t miss this chance to become part of the Q_PERIOR team and start your career in IT consulting! Register now for our Applicant Day

Join Bosch Working Student program!

As a Working Student, you have the opportunity to work on cutting-edge technology projects throughout your studies in a multicultural company, to explore different areas of engineering in order for you to develop practical skills and deepen your knowledge. Based on your performance as a working student, you will become eligible for other Bosch programs. Grow with us by

NI (National Instruments): Applications of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

NI (National Instruments): Applications of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
NI team is organizing a virtual seminar on the topic of “Applications of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence” which can be beneficial for students to be familiar with basic concepts and types of AI and ML, as well as its usage perspectives. Details of the seminar: Date: 27th April 2023 Time: 2PM – 3:30PM CET

Nexttech Java si Fullstack Summer Internships

Nexttech Java si Fullstack Summer Internships
Cele doua programe de internship Java si Fullstack se desfasoara pe perioada verii la sediul Nexttech din Cluj si sunt adresate exclusiv studentilor vorbitori de limba germana. Perioada: 31 Iulie – 22 Septembrie Format: 6h/zi la biroul din Cluj-Napoca Proces de selectie: 1) discutie HR si testare nivel limba germana; 2) discutie tehnica Formular de

ROSPIN Space Talks

ROSPIN Space Talks
ROSPIN (Romanian Space Initiative) va invita sa participati, in data de 26 aprilie 2023, de la ora 20:00, la un eveniment „out of this world” intitulat ✨Space Talks✨, care va avea loc la Cluj Tineret. Impreuna cu invitatii speciali, prof. univ. dr. Harko Tiberiu-Csaba si Bogdan Teodorescu, fondator Astronomy Hub Cluj, veti descoperi misterele cosmologiei.

Accenture Industry X Internship 2023

Accenture Industry X Internship 2023
Tech up your summer: Join Accenture’s 2023 Internship Program and be part of the change! 26th June – 4th August 2023 14th August – 22nd September 2023  

Yardi Programming Internship 2023

Yardi Programming Internship 2023
You will be working on real projects that make life easier for millions of people, and as part of our Product Development Department, you will design and develop functional and performance enhancements for our existing large-scale real estate products.

NetMatch internship 2023

NetMatch internship 2023
Are you on the lookout for the summer internship opportunity? Let’s team up! We offer you 2 months of paid internship with the opportunity to be involved in the development of a web project, using .NET (C#) or give you the tools and knowledge to build the foundations of your testing expertise! Internship .NET (C#) You

Vino în practică @Endava

Vino în practică @Endava
Dezvoltarea unui produs software, de la concept la implementare, este un proces complex ce presupune diverse interacțiuni și implicare din partea mai multor echipe. Însă cel mai ușor mod de a înțelege această structură este să o experimentezi - așadar, te invităm să te înscrii în programul nostru de practică, unde vei avea ocazia să participi la simularea dezvoltării unui produs software în toate etapele sale.

Computacenter Internship 2023

Computacenter Internship 2023
Kick-off your International Tech Career with Computacenter! Join us for an internship that combines learning with fun and exciting projects. We are looking for 10 tech enthusiasts, eager to learn more about Cloud & DevOps and have a great time coding. Ready to be a CC Intern? Here’s what you will learn: ⭐ Develop a solid understanding of