Anunţuri din categoria: Oferte firme

Morgan Stanley’s Technology Division is launching the third Student Programming Contest

Morgan Stanley’s Technology Division is launching the third Student Programming Contest
This February, Morgan Stanley’s Technology Division is launching the third Student Programming Contest and this season the contest has gone global. The online programming competition has been designed by a team of Morgan Stanley Technologists and challenges students to implement a set of programs that solve exciting algorithmic problems to have a chance of winning

Challenges for Programmers: Competitie online la nivel national, dedicata studentilor din IT&C

Challenges for Programmers: Competitie online la nivel national, dedicata studentilor din IT&C
„Challenges for Programmers” se desfasoara in perioada 18 noiembrie 2013 – 9 decembrie 2013 si cuprinde 3 teste grila online, pe 3 teme de programare accesibile studentilor: OOP, Baze de date si C++. Concursul este organizat pe platforma de catre People Centric. Mai multe informatii despre concurs sunt disponibile aici şi aici.

Cloud Factory – Accelerează ideea ta in Cloud!

Cloud Factory – Accelerează ideea ta in Cloud!
Cât de tare îţi doreşti să conduci această maşina? Demonstrează şi câştigă! Marele premiu: un Mini Cooper Premiul 1: 5000 euro Premiul 2: 3000 euro

Amazon TechOn Challenge

Amazon TechOn Challenge
Daca esti pasionat de rezolvarea unor probleme informatice complexe, te invitam sa participi la Amazon TechOn Challenge. Concursul are loc online, deci nu trebuie sa te deplasezi catre o anumita locatie. Totul e sa ai acces la internet pe durata derularii lui. Premii: Locul I  : 10000 RON Locul II :   5000 RON Locul III:  

Internship HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL

Internship  HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL
Azimut Vision organizeaza o noua sesiune de Internship pentru studentii si masteranzii interesati sa isi dezvolte cunostintele si sa castige experienta in creare si dezvoltare pagini web: HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL. Locatia: Cluj-Napoca Cerinte: Cunostinte (cel putin) minime de HTML si CSS Limba engleza Trimite CV-ul tau pe adresa

AvMap Internship programare C/C++

AvMap Internship programare C/C++
Cerinţe: Atenţie, nu se cere experienţă în toate cele de mai jos, ci mai ales capacitatea şi dorinţa de învăţare. Noi vă vom ajuta!!! Studenţi în anii terminali sau nu; Cunoştinţe programare orientată pe obiecte; Programare în limbajele C/C++; Cunoştinţe de lucru cu baze de date; Cunoaşterea librăriilor Win32 API si MFC; Cunoştinţe de baza sisteme de operare Windows şi Linux; Limba engleză la nivel avansat; Capacităţi de lucru în echipă, gândire sistematică, etică profesională.

TBA Junior Software Developer (Java / .Net)

TBA Junior Software Developer (Java / .Net)
Junior Software Developer (Java / .Net) Does developing software for an automated container terminal seem like an interesting job? At TBA, an innovative software company, we develop this kind of software. Our search is for talented junior software developers to reinforce our team in Satu Mare. Would you like to learn how your code can

Ullink Java Summer Internship opportunity for IT students

Ullink Java Summer Internship opportunity for IT students
Required skills: - student in 2nd or 3rd year of studies - basic knowledge in Java (gained during faculty years) - passionate about software development (personal projects or within University) - fluent in English - good team-worker with a great sense of humor Benefits we offer: - challenging & pleasant work environment - possibility to gain relevant job-related experience - technical & financial markets training courses - opportunity to be involved in a software development process - work with latest technologies in a multinational company - learn from highly qualified software engineers - get familiarized with Agile methodology Send us your CV at and become an Intern at Ullink!

„Trainee” Program organizat de Frequentis Romania

Firma Frequentis Romania organizeaza un „Trainee” Program pentru absolventii Facultatilor de Informatica (Automatizari, Calculatoare). Programul dureaza 6 luni, timp in care angajatii vor participa la traininguri in domenii in care activeaza Frequentis (Public Safety, Air Traffic Management, etc) dar si la activitatile de zi cu zi corespunzatoare rolului ocupat (Developer, QA, System Engineer). Candidatii selectati

All-Year-Round Web Programming Internship @ Freshbyte | 2013

All-Year-Round Web Programming Internship @ Freshbyte | 2013
Freshbyte offers you the opportunity to have a great start: Apply for an internship with us! Our WEB Programming Internship is designed for students with fundamental programming and algorithm skills and fluent in English. The aim is to give you experience in a proficient environment which relates to and supplements your studies.