Anunţuri din categoria: Oferte firme

O noua sesiune de Internship la Azimut Vision

O noua sesiune de Internship la Azimut Vision
Azimut Vision organizeaza o noua sesiune de Internship pentru studentii si masteranzii interesati sa isi dezvolte cunostintele si sa castige experienta in creare si dezvoltare pagini web: HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL. Locatia: Cluj-Napoca Cerinte: Cunostinte (cel putin) minime de HTML si CSS Limba engleza Trimite CV-ul tau pe adresa

Arobs Transilvania Software PHP training 2014

Arobs Transilvania Software PHP training 2014
Want to be our amazing PHP trainee? Send us your resume by April 10 2014 and take your chance to join our team of professionals! Keep on learning, the time you invest now will later return in the form of personal an professional achievements.

Betfair 2014 Internship

Betfair 2014 Internship
Betfair Romania Development is launching the all year round paid internship program in Cluj. Are you in for development opportunities in: Java, QA, Linux and Project Management? Find out more at

iQuest Summer Internship 2014

iQuest Summer Internship 2014
iQuest is inviting enthusiastic students to apply for the first paid iQuest Summer Internship. This year’s project (Personal Budget Adviser) is a client – server solution for managing your finances that provides an insight into your spending habits and offers integration with some of the largest banks in Romania (BT) via SMS notifications. The final

Ruby Tribe 2014 Internship

Ruby Tribe 2014 Internship
What we offer: Ruby Tribe offers an internship of 6 weeks in June/July 2014 for open-minded and motivated people that love programming. The internship program will teach you Ruby, Ruby on Rails and Behavior Driven Development skills in an Agile Environment. Previous knowledge of Ruby is not needed, being motivated is. Candidates will work on

Practica Python si Django la Elvsoft

Scrie un modul Python ce va fi folosit in productie. Invata si aplica bunele practici in programarea Python alaturi de programatori cu experienta: Python coding style unit testing git folosirea pip si virtualenv Ai sansa sa iti gasesti un viitor loc de munca. Trimite CV si scrisoare de intentie pe cu subiectul „practica”.

Be a Part of the NetMatch Team this Summer!

Be a Part of the NetMatch Team this Summer!
You get 2 months of paid internship in .NET, training on the job by one of our senior developers, lots of fun participating to our daily sportly activities, and the possibility to get a real job.


The Internship opportunity is open for students attending the Faculty of Mathematics – Informatics from the Babeş-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca and for the students attending the Faculty of Automation and Computer Science or the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology from the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca. Internships are a great way to get in touch

Wirtek 2014 Internship

Wirtek 2014 Internship
Start your career with one of most challenging internship experiences in town! What you will do during your time with us: • Develop a brand new app with Windows 8 and C# • Participate in technical workshops and trainings • Work in a friendly and challenging environment focused on people • Have fun!

Freshbyte 2014 Web Programming Internship

Freshbyte 2014 Web Programming Internship
Our Web Programming Internship is designed for students with fundamental programming and algorithm knowledge who are fluent in English. We aim to give you a hands-on working experience for a period of 4 weeks and to supplement your studies with practical development skills. There is no better way to learn than by doing. If you