Anunţuri din categoria: Oferte firme

msg systems Romania: prezentare SAP – ABAP development in SAP

msg systems Romania: prezentare SAP – ABAP development in SAP
Dragi studenti, Odata cu inceperea anului universitar, msg systems Romania in parteneriat cu Universitatea Babeş-Boylai, Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica, demareaza cursul tehnic SAP – ABAP development in SAP. Astfel, miercuri – 15.10.2014 in Campus, sala 310 (Campus), ora 12.00 echipa msg systems Romania va prezenta curricula, modul de desfasurare, procesul de selectie si beneficiile

3 Day Startup Cluj

3 Day Startup Cluj
Eliberează antreprenorul din tine! Înscrie-te la 3 Day Startup, până pe 28 octombrie – și ai șansa să-ți transformi ideea în startup, totul în 3 zile! Vino cu o idee, formează-ți echipa, validați strategia și prezentați pitch-ul! Startup-ul tău în 3 zile!

Great Internship Opportunity at Huawei! + Trip to China

Dear Students, We are pleased to let you know that HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES has implemented a great internship program this year! We will be present in Cluj on June 20 at the Scientific Communication Session to meet you and give you more details on HUAWEI student programs! We work with 6 Universities across Romania and each

GIST – European Universities Workshop

GIST – European Universities Workshop
GIST (Gwangju Institute for Science and Technology), unul dintre cele mai mari institute orientate spre cercetare din Corea de Sud, invită studenţii facultăţii noastre la o prezentare a institului ce va avea loc miercuri, 18 iunie, ora 11, în sala Hermann Oberth, etajul 2, Clădirea Centrala a Universităţii.

Practica de vara 2014 la Addition Development

Practica de vara 2014 la Addition Development
Practica de vara 2014 ?! Te gandesti unde sa faci practica de vara? Hai la noi sa descoperi cel mai tare CMS din lume – Sitecore. Tot ce trebuie sa faci este sa indeplinesti 70% dintre urmatoarele conditii: Esti interesat de programarea solutiilor web in HTML5 si CSS3 Esti interesat sa descoperi lumea CMS-urilor (Content

Coffee with Bosch – La o cafea cu Bosch

Coffee with Bosch – La o cafea cu Bosch
Compania Robert Bosch, doreşte să vă invite la evenimentul „La o cafea cu Bosch”, organizat în data de 29 mai 2014, orele 16.00-18.00, în sala C310, clădirea FSEGA a Universităţii Babeş-Bolyai din Cluj-Napoca şi care se adresează studenţilor şi profesorilor Facultăţii de Matematică şi Informatică ai UBB. Compania Robert Bosch este reprezentată în Cluj prin

Yonder „Think Innovation” Internship

Yonder „Think Innovation” Internship
Take the challenge and have a unique summer internship while learning and experience with Emotiv, Leap Motion or Google Glass. How to apply? Just send an idea of an app you would like to develop on these devices – write the idea or draw it, record yourself while telling about it, send a video –

Paid Summer Internship in Programming at Yardi Romania

Paid Summer Internship in Programming at Yardi Romania
Are you ready for a summer of real challenges, smart people and fun? Yardi Romania is seeking 10 savvy interns to join us for a 3-month paid summer internship at our Cluj headquarters. During the summer internship, you’ll get to work with and learn from our lead software developers in these top-notch technological areas: .NET

Internship offer: Working student @Bosch – Summer 2014

Internship offer: Working student @Bosch – Summer 2014
Image Processing for Driver Assistance @Bosch Work @Bosch for developing image processing algorithms for Driver Assistance Systems supervised by a mentor. We have prepared a list of algorithms of interest for us that we will handle with students this summer. Selection is done by a 30 minutes phone interview followed by a 1 hour face

Deiusoft 2014 Internship

Deiusoft 2014 Internship
We are looking for talented students, regardless their year of study. We offer the possibility to work with the latest technologies PHP (Composer, Laravel), DB (MySql, Elasticsearch, Redis), Javascript (AngularJS, jQuery, Gulp), HTML5/CSS3 (Less), Mobile Apps (PhoneGap, Ionic) and you will be able to work remotely, from anywhere you like. Join our team by sending