Anunţuri din categoria: Oferte firme

Qookqook Internship Offer 2015

Qookqook Internship Offer 2015
We are seeking: 3 real good interns to join us for an paid internship at our Cluj office. You will have a flexible schedule and can work from wherever you like. You will work with the latest technologies (Objective-C, Swift, Java, PHP, MySQL). It can be extended with full-time employment. We work at several smart

Accesa’s TechCampus Spring or Summer Internship

Accesa’s TechCampus Spring or Summer Internship
It’s not too early to start early! Join Accesa's TechCampus spring or summer internship programs to become a software specialist in: - Cloud and Mobile Solutions; - Scientific & Medical Software Solutions; - E-Commerce. If you have a passion for technology: C# or Java, have basic knowledge of OOP programming, have strong analytical skills...

Java Training @ msg systems România

Anual msg systems România organizează Java Training în perioada iulie – septembrie. Ce vei învăţa? Java Training îţi oferă posibilitatea să înveţi: Java Servlet Programming, JSP, Application Servers for application developers, Hibernate, EJB 3, Java Persistance API, Java Server Faces, Source Code Management, Struts, Eclipse, Eclipse RCP (Rich Client Platform), Glassfish, Logging. Beneficii Java Training

Practică de vară @ msg systems România

Practică de vară @ msg systems România
Ce vei învăţa? Practica în Java urmăreşte consolidarea cunoştinţelor teoretice şi însuşirea unor abilităţi practice în: JSF Hibernate Java EE7 Server aplicaţie Glassfish Practica în ABAP îţi oferă o introducere teoretică şi practică în următoarele teme: ABAP Objects ALV (ABAP List Views) Web Dynpro ABAP MVC (Model View Controller) Cum aplic? Dacă eşti interesat, trimite

Bitstone 2015 Internship

Bitstone 2015 Internship
We are looking for talented students for Internship. We offer the possibility to learn the latest technologies: Modern frontend development (hmtl5, html5, CSS, SASS/LESS, responsive design concepts, javascript frameworks), Web Applications with PHP and MySQL (Laravel framework, Magento commerce, payment gateways, integration with social networks) and Web applications development with Microsoft Technologies (.NET MVC, REST services, deployment of web applications). Apply by sending a CV by email at

2015 ISDC Summer Internship

2015 ISDC Summer Internship
Time is of the essence. Dare to put your career on fast forward and apply for the 2014 ISDC Cluj-Napoca Summer Internship (July 1 – August 21). Our internship projects provide challenging career opportunities in the following technological areas: .NET, Java, BI and Testing. You will gain professional experience by participating in a real software

Căutăm Inteligență din România! Un nou stagiu de pregătire practică organizat de Bitdefender

Căutăm Inteligență din România! Un nou stagiu de pregătire practică organizat de Bitdefender
Căutăm Inteligență din România! Bitdefender ține un nou stagiu de pregătire practică! Dacă ești interesat de viruși, limbaje de asamblare, reverse engineering, programare C, machine learning, big data sau sisteme de operare, vino la noi! Pentru înscrieri la testul de preselecție trimiteți email cu CV la până la data de 23 februarie 2015.

Startup Live Cluj-Napoca revine în ajutorul viitorilor antreprenori tech clujeni cu forţe proaspete şi mentori valoroşi

Startup Live Cluj-Napoca revine în ajutorul viitorilor antreprenori tech clujeni cu forţe proaspete şi mentori valoroşi
În perioada 12-15 decembrie, la clădirea de birouri The Office, Clujul se pregăteşte de 4 zile intense de antreprenoriat, mentoring şi investiţii în business-uri locale, aflate la început de drum. Startup Live Cluj-Napoca #3 (12-14 decembrie 2014) În weekendul 12-14 decembrie, Startup Transilvania organizează a treia ediţie a Startup Live Cluj-Napoca – eveniment internaţional, care

Internship offer – Qookqook: 2nd semester

Internship offer – Qookqook: 2nd semester
We’re seeking 2 real good interns to join us during the 2nd semester for an paid internship at our Cluj office. You will have a flexible schedule and can work from wherever you like. You will work with the latest technologies (Objective-C, Swift, Java, PHP, MySQL) It can be extended with full-time employment. You just

iQuest Coding Contest

iQuest Coding Contest
Hello, As part of the iQuest University Programme we invite you to participate in the iQuest University Online Coding Contest. This contest is addressed to first- or second-year students of Mathematics, Computer Science, Telecommunications or Information Technology in Brașov, Cluj Napoca, Craiova and Sibiu. The programming languages for the contest are Pascal, Java, C/C++ and