Anunţuri din categoria: Oferte firme

Xoomworks 2016 Internship

Xoomworks 2016 Internship
Xoomworks Internship se intinde pe o perioada mai scurta de timp: aproximativ 1 luna. In cadrul internshipului studentii vor asista Software Developer/QA-ii nostri si vor avea ocazia sa observe cum se desfasoara activitatea lor de zi cu zi. Dupa o perioada de invatare, vor putea efectiv sa lucreze pe proiectele noastre interne care sunt structurate asemenea unor proiecte reale, datorita metodologiei Agile cu care lucram.

Internships in Mobile App Development @ Halcyon Mobile

Internships in Mobile App Development @ Halcyon Mobile
Interested in designing or developing mobile apps? Here’s your chance to learn from award-winning professionals in the field! Get to know us better here or from our FWA interviews. Grab one of the 3 positions for each internship: iOS Android UI/UX Design Back-End Front-End by applying at Application deadline: 15th of May!

Siemens Curious Minds Summer School counts the 6th edition in 2016!

Siemens Curious Minds Summer School counts the 6th edition in 2016!
Siemens Industry Software (SISW), the leading partner in simulation and testing solutions for functional performance engineering, launches a new challenge for students through the Curious Minds Summer School program. Curious Minds Summer School has been developed for the medium C++ skilled students, in their penultimate year of study and is running for six weeks (25.07-01.09).

Get altitude on your career and grow with us @COERA!

Get altitude on your career and grow with us @COERA!
Who we are We are engineers – passionate, confident and upright, well knowing our strengths and with an open eye to the things happening around us We challenge what others may see as impossible and are eager to share successes as well as lessons learned We are always we, wholeheartedly working together with our customers

Freshbyte Internship 2016

Freshbyte Internship 2016
We're looking for talented students who have a passion for learning and are curious about web technologies to join our Web Programming Internship. The program is designed for students with fundamental programming and algorithm skills who are fluent in English. The aim is to offer you the experience in a real-life work environment which relates to and supplements your studies. Apply by sending an email to We would love to meet you!

Java Competition pentru universitati – Dezvoltarea Aplicatiilor Java pentru Oracle Database

Java Competition pentru universitati – Dezvoltarea Aplicatiilor Java pentru Oracle Database
Update 21.03.2016: Pentru a încuraja participarea cât mai multor studenţi la această competiţie, organizatorii au anunţat trei lucruri noi legate de concurs: Studenţii pot sa aplice şi cu lucrarea de licenţă; Aplicaţiile realizate pot fi Android; Aplicaţiile pot să rezolve şi probleme din lumea business-ului nu doar o cauză socială. Un profesor nu numai ca

Get behind the wheel! Accelerate this summer! MHP Internship Program for the Summer of 2016

Get behind the wheel! Accelerate this summer! MHP Internship Program for the Summer of 2016
We are looking for 20 curious, ambitious, dynamic students willing to learn, work and have fun in the process. The first and most important attribute that will qualify you for one of the 20 internship positions is your own interest and curiosity for IT, automotive and MHP. Depending on your personal interest or spark with

National Instruments Software Summer Internship

National Instruments Software Summer Internship
Look for a fun and challenging way to spend the summer! Are you ready for more than just a summer internship? Looking for a company that values its employees as its most important asset, versus thinking only about the bottom line? Do you want a workplace where you can thrive and grow in an award-winning, relaxed work environment that fosters creativity and entrepreneurism so you can perform your best and continuously innovate? If these are traits you expect from your first employer, then National Instruments can meet or exceed your expectations.

Program de practică la EBS

EBS este prezentă în fiecare an în derularea unui Proiect Universitar prin care studenţii sunt ajutaţi să efectueze stagii de practică în companii, pentru a se familiariza cu mediul productiv, a acumula experienţă profesională și de viaţă. Mai multe informaţii vei putea obţine scriind un email pe adresa: cu subiectul „Practica in EBS”.

NetMatch Summer Internship 2016

NetMatch Summer Internship 2016
NetMatch te invita si in aceasta vara sa faci parte din echipa lor, participand la unul dintre programele de internship organizate: Software development (.NET) sau Software Testing, in perioada Iulie-August 2016. Internship .NET (C#): Vei fi implicat in dezvoltarea unui proiect web, folosind ASP.NET sau MVC.NET; Vei parcurge toate etapele dezvoltarii unui software: analiza, dezvoltare,