Anunţuri din categoria: Oferte firme

NetMatch Summer Internship 2017

NetMatch Summer Internship 2017
Esti pregatit/a de o provocare vara aceasta? NetMatch te invita si in aceasta vara sa faci parte din echipa lor, participand la unul dintre programele de internship organizate: Software development (.NET) sau Software Testing, in perioada Iulie-August 2016. Internship .NET (C#): Vei fi implicat in dezvoltarea unui proiect web, folosind ASP.NET MVC; Vei parcurge toate

Take Off Labs 2017 Summer Internship

Take Off Labs 2017 Summer Internship
Str. Pintea Viteazu Nr.6 Cluj­-Napoca, Cluj 400404 Romania Take Off Labs is looking for talented students to join our summer internship programme. Our products are used by thousands of people every day across the world in diverse industries from golf to music, ticketing and registration. Our technologies of choice are Ruby on Rails for

Paid IT Internship at Yardi Romania (Summer Edition)

Paid IT Internship at Yardi Romania (Summer Edition)
Are you ready for your next adventure? Join our 3-month, paid summer internship in IT and launch your career in technology. As a Yardi Romania intern you will have the opportunity to work on real projects that make life easier for millions of people, helping them find their dream homes, sell or administer their properties, manage tenant relationships, and make savvy investments. Your input will count as you will be involved in the design and development of functional and performance enhancements for our existing, large-scale, real estate products. We have 20 full-time internship openings.

Show us your talents @ Garmin 2017 internship program

Show us your talents @ Garmin 2017 internship program
Modalitatea si termenul limita pentru depunerea aplicatilor de catre studenti: email la adresa impreuna cu un scurt CV, pana la data de 15 martie 2017. Perioada de desfasurare a practicii: 3 iulie - 29 septembrie 2017.

360T | Deutsche Börse Group and Catalysts: Europe’s biggest onsite coding contest in Frankfurt

360T | Deutsche Börse Group and Catalysts: Europe’s biggest onsite coding contest in Frankfurt
Join Europe’s biggest coding contest in Frankfurt on March 31st, 2017, presented by 360T | Deutsche Börse Group and Catalysts Win great prizes with a total value of € 21,000 total prizes, 5,000 for the first place. Measure up your algorithmic skills against hundreds of coders from around the world in a challenging contest! Mingle

Join University CodeSprint Competition: Which school has the best programmers?

Join University CodeSprint Competition: Which school has the best programmers?
Does your school have the best programmers? Join University CodeSprint, the ultimate university coding competition, and represent your school to prove how well students and graduates from your school can code! We want to learn which schools around the world train the best programmers. A lot of global university ranking reports use school reputation, the

Codecamp: Your IT Conference in Cluj-Napoca

Codecamp: Your IT Conference in Cluj-Napoca
CodeCamp is your IT Conference here in Romania. It started in 2008, with a strong desire for better communication among IT professionals. While being a volunteering, non-profit movement supported by the community IT community members, CodeCamp was encouraged and sustained since its early beginnings by companies willing to support the environment and give back. What we mainly do is gather people together for learning & sharing professional experiences.

Accenture Student Tech Space

Accenture Student Tech Space
When? Wednesday, 26th October from 17:00 to 18:00 Where? Accenture office in Cluj-Napoca, 6th floor, Sigma Center, Lidl-side entrance,109 Republicii street Entry is free of charge and if you are vigilant enough you can savour not only Java 8 but a nice cup of coffee as well. Further details on coffee:

Accesa Start program

Accesa is starting a new program addressed to 2nd and 3rd-year college students who are eager to go the extra mile in achieving the best skills they’ll need in an IT career. Accesa Start is a mentorship program which consists of a series of workshops that aim to complement the college studies by sharing our

Emerson Apprentice Program

Emerson Apprentice Program
Anul acesta, la fel ca si anul trecut, compania Emerson deruleaza un program de dezvoltare de talente (talent development) in cadrul caruia exista 25 de pozitii de apprenticeship platite, disponibile pe o perioada de 9 luni in cadrul companiei Emerson. Programul vizeaza liniile de masterat sau studentii la nivel licenta din anii terminali care cunosc