Anunţuri din categoria: Oferte firme
National Instruments Summer Internship 2019
National Instruments te invita sa aplici la programul de Summer Internship, organizat in cadrul biroului de Cercetare & Dezvoltare Software din Cluj-Napoca, cladirea The Office. Trimite CV-ul tau pana la data de 24 martie la adresa, urmand ca selectia si comunicarea rezultatului sa aiba loc in cursul lunii aprilie. Selectia se face in baza
AXON Soft Summer Internship 2019
AXON Soft is a leading provider of high-performance software development and IT consultancy services. With over 20 years of experience, we leverage our highly skilled team to reach our customers’ most challenging projects. Innovation doesn’t happen without passion! Working with cutting-edge technologies and AI elements, we developed software applications that have entered in top 10
teleportHQ Master Internships 2019
We’re a young AI start-up based in Cluj and we use machine learning to build automated code-generation and design-generation technologies which will facilitate the work of user interface professionals. At teleportHQ, we believe that humans should spend more time and energy developing their ideas and leaving the implementation details to smart automated processes and artificial
Evozon Master Internships 2019
Home web music centre Mentors: Dan Homorodean, Marius Adam, Andra Barsoianu Description: Web application aimed at being used in a local area network for storage, search and playback of own music gallery. The application exposes a web interface accessible from the devices in the local network with advanced search capabilities and music playback feature. The
The role of Machine Learning in Container Logistics
Motivation Today, large amounts of data are produced by container terminals, either by equipment or planning/dispatching software running on the terminal. By analysing long term operation data, we can recognise patterns either in planning, equipment dispatching, or even in equipment failure or breakdown. The large amount of data and the observed patterns allow us to
Romanian Institute of Science and Technology (RIST) internship for graduate students
As an intern at Romanian Institute of Science and Technology (RIST), you will learn how to do research in machine learning / artificial intelligence, by coding and performing experiments based on state-of-the-art scientific publications or by helping RIST’s scientists to implement new machine learning algorithms. Topics in machine learning / artificial intelligence: Deep neural networks
Internships in Machine Learning and Deep Learning at the “Machine Learning and Optimization Group” at RIST
The following list includes possible topics for master thesis projects which could be developed by internship students in collaboration with researchers from the Machine Learning and Optimization Group, led by Dr. Luigi Malagò, at the Romanian Institute of Science and Technology (RIST). RIST is a private not for profit research institute located in Cluj-Napoca, currently
Practica la master în cadrul editurii Presa Universitară Clujeană
În memoria de sute de ani a Universității Babeș-Bolyai sunt înscrise nume și fapte. Ești gata să faci istorie? Editura Presa Universitară Clujeană, departament al Universității Babeș-Bolyai te invită să îți desfășori stagiul de practică. Căutăm studenți competenți în programare web, creativi și pasionați de domeniul e-commerce. CV-urile vor fi expediate pe până în
Teme practica master, an univ. 2018-2019 propuse de Arobs
Teme: 1. Digital education platform Tutore: Ancuta Gogea Description: Online tool to share knowledge inside and outside classrooms. Technologies: java, UI Angular, DB mysql Pozitii: 3 2. Clinical trials surveys and feasibility assessment through data modelling Tutori: Alexandra Merdan, Codruta Crizboi Description: Data gathering and analysis in order to identify potential subjects and sites/hospitals/clinics to
Enterprise Data Repository SaaS (EDR SaaS)
Enterprise Data Repository will offer a centralized solution to share the engineering data between disparate engineering software components. The uploaded data will be annotated with metadata information to support later search and share capabilities. Design EDR as a collection of services which can efficiently communicate and automatically scale. (Microservice examples: Publish Service, Search Service, Model