Anunţuri din categoria: Oferte firme
ComputaCenter Internship 2021
Computacenter is a leading independent technology partner that operates in over 70 countries. Our ambition in Romania is to gather a team of 500 professionals in the next 5 years.
We are headquartered in Cluj-Napoca and we offer a full remote internship.
Computacenter Romania is probably the best combination between a large, stable company and a young, ambitious one.
Artsoft Internship 2021
ArtSoft Consult is engaged in the internship program organized in collaboration with Babeș-Bolyai University (BBU).
We have 6 open positions this year for the NodeJS and Typescript traineeship. You can apply if you are in the second or third year of study or at the masters' program at BBU.
At ArtSoft Consult we believe in solid and constant growth. We are a company where challenging ideas and young talents are welcome.
Internship plătit AROBS pe Embedded C
AROBS organizează un internship plătit pe Embedded C în cadrul diviziei de automotive. La adresa următoare este disponibil un material video de promovare a acestui internship: Este disponibil un număr mai mare de locuri pentru internship, deci șanse semnificativ mai mari pentru toți studenții eligibili (aflați în ani terminali). Pe parcursul internship-ului aceștia vor
Practicăm EXcelența (PEX) – program de practică în diverse tehnologii
NTT DATA – parte a NTT Group, este un integrator de servicii IT cu prezență globală și sediul central în Tokyo. Sprijinim clienții în transformarea digitală a business-ului prin consultanță, soluții de industrie, managementul proceselor de business și digitalizarea serviciilor IT. Suntem dedicați pe termen lung succesului clienților noștri și îmbinăm acoperirea globală cu prezența
Principal 2021 Internship
This is your chance to start your career in IT and reach your full potential! Our IT traineeship enables you to focus your career in a direction that suits to your talent and passion.
Lynx Solutions Summer Practice 2021
We are seeking adventurous interns.
If you are an IT student and you would like to be smarter and wiser and work on real projects, you are our guy! Join our 1 month, 6hours/day summer practice and find out more about a programmer’s “life behind the scenes”, be a part of a company’s journey.
IT Labs Internship 2021
In atentia studentilor de la sectiile de Informatica, Informatica engleza, Informatica maghiara, Informatica germana, Matematica informatica. IT Labs cauta colegi care sa ni se alature la programele noastre de practica de vara: Web developer. Software Developer (Python / Java / C/C++ / C# ) Computer-Science Copywriter Graphic Designer Web Designer Pentru detalii va rugam accesati:
Banca Transilvania Internship 2021
Alătură-te echipei pentru un internship plătit în departamentul IT.
Tehnologii: Java, .NET, PHP, React, DevOps, RPA, iOS Chatboti, QA, Oracle, SQL
1-30 septembrie 2021
6 ore/zi
Calea Dorobanților 30-36
Aplică pe până pe 30 iunie 2021
Join Paid Software Engineering Internship
At Fundmore we are sure there is a better way for people to buy their dream home. We believe that the process of borrowing and lending money is quite outdated and is a source of frustration for all the parties involved. This is why we want to change it for good.
crafthack hackathon: Show the Craft in you!
We would like to invite the students of your university to an online international competition for talented individuals. We are looking for innovative solutions that are realistic and sustainable. We are seeking mainly for students who have fresh ideas that could make a difference but are in need of financial or professional support. The event