Anunţuri din categoria: Oferte firme

Stagiu practica Pentalog (in atentia studentilor de anul 3 ce nu si-au facut stagiul de practica)

Te interesează industria tech? Ești pasionat de tehnologii și îți place ideea de a lucra într-un domeniu creativ? 🏁 Pentalog a lansat o ocazie trăznet pentru studenții și masteranzii din ultimul an de studiu. Ai acces la 20+ stagii de practică tech și non-tech în care să-ți formezi abilități pe care angajatorii le vor! În programul „PregătIT pentru mâine”, am

Tora Coding Competition 2022

Tora Coding Competition 2022
Young Coders, it's time!  Time to realise you are Generation C(ode): the ones shaping the future of technology. It’s a huge responsibility that you have to undertake in an extremely competitive and always-changing industry. Tech moves fast. You are the generation that has to create solutions for problems that don't even exist yet. No pressure

Cloudflight Coding Contest

Cloudflight Coding Contest
Solve a level-based coding game in competition with thousands of participants across the globe! The CCC (short for Cloudflight Coding Contest) is one of the biggest coding competitions of its kind. Over 4,000 coders from all around the world simultaneously compete against each other in a level-based coding game. With each level the difficulty increases

Nagarro – Remote Learning 2022-2023

Nagarro – Remote Learning 2022-2023
Nagarro vă invită să vă înscrieți și toamna aceasta la modulele de Remote Learning. Ce este Remote Learning? Programele Remote Learning sunt adresate studenților, absolvenților și tuturor pasionaților de IT dornici să își însușească noi competențe. Cele 4 programe se vor derula în paralel, iar setup-ul lor este 100% remote: C# Remote Learning Java Remote Learning WebDev

Q_Hackaton: Building a faster world with QRs

Q_Hackaton: Building a faster world with QRs
The Q_Hackathon is an event designed for students and young programming enthusiasts. Ongoing day & night, as a participant you will work within teams to build an MVP (minimum viable product) application using web and cloud technologies on the given topic: a faster world with QRs. Sign up either with your peers or join a

Internship Program Info session with Google Bucharest

We have the pleasure to invite you to a virtual event with Google Bucharest! Please join us for an hour-long live Google Meet session designed for students interested in 2023 Software Engineering internships at Google. What should you expect from this event? a sneak peak into what it is really like to be a Software

Fundația OSF și OSF Digital România au lansat cea de a șaptea ediție a Programului de Burse OSF, 2022-2023

Fundația OSF și OSF Digital România au lansat cea de a șaptea ediție a Programului de Burse OSF*, 2022-2023. Ești student/ă în anul I? Vrei să te cunoști mai bine pe tine și potențialul de dezvoltare pe care îl ai? Îți dorești să devii un bun profesionist în domeniul IT? Banii par să îți stea împotrivă? Te așteptăm

NTT DATA Romania SAP IS-U Academy

NTT DATA Romania SAP IS-U Academy
Are you ready to pave the way for a green energy future? Take on real-life challenges where you get to drive the digitalisation of the energy sector. You will be mentored by leading experts to unleash your creativity and rise to the challenges of key stakeholders - from large corporations to municipal utilities and end consumers.

5th edition of the Novartis Datathon Challenge

5th edition of the Novartis Datathon Challenge
Save the Date! 24-27 Nov 2022 Join us for the financial challenge of the year & help us solve a real-world pharma problem! Novartis purpose is to reimagine medicine to improve and extend people's lives. We use innovative science and technology to address some of society's most challenging healthcare issues. We discover and develop breakthrough treatments and find new ways to

Atos Paid Summer Internship 2022

Cautam studenti dornici sa aprofundeze skill-urile de SW development, prin programul remunerat de practica de vara, care se va desfasuara in perioada 01.08-30.09.2022. In acest program vom forma o echipa de SW developer care vor implementa o aplicate Web folosind urmatoarele tehnologii: Java, Spring Boot pentru backend, Angular pentru frontend si MySQL/PostgreSQL pe partea de