Anunţuri din categoria: Anunţuri practică nivel licență

UMT Software Summer Internship

UMT Software Summer Internship
Since 2008, UMT Software has been the engineering force behind UMT360, the Seattle based company which helps some of the world’s leading brands to execute their strategies and accelerate their business. UMT360’s tight-knit, energetic and dedicated team develops a one-of-a-kind Product and Portfolio Management solution, applauded as visionary by the world’s most influential advisory company,

8×8 Summer Internship

8×8 Summer Internship
At 8×8 we put communications at the heart of our business and build technology that allows people to connect anytime, anywhere they are in the world, and on any device. Choose our Summer Internship program to become part of an amazing team of talented people, work with the latest tech and get hands-on experience with

Garmin Internship 2023

Garmin Internship 2023
Does your heart beat faster when you hear engineering? This internship is the right move for you! Apply until March 24th. E-mail us at Java (Java/ERP) | JavaScript | Embedded C/C++ | Mobile (iOS, Android) | .NET | Software Quality | Data & DevSecOps | BA | IT Services & Cyber Security

Ofertă practică BitStone 2023

Ofertă practică BitStone 2023

2023 Montran Internship

2023 Montran Internship
Join the Students@Montran Internship Program today! We are a rapidly growing FinTech seeking highly motivated students looking to launch their career and make an impact! This is a fantastic opportunity to work with some of the best mentors in the field. Deadline for CV Submissions: Before March 27

Porsche Engineering Career Track Event

Porsche Engineering Career Track Event
In data de 6 martie 2023 de la ora 16:00 Porsche Engineering organizeaza un eveniment dedicat studentilor. In cadrul evenimentului se vor prezenta oportunitati pentru studenti si programe pe care ei le pot accesa. Studentii se pot inscrie trimitand un e-mail catre, in care sa ataseze si un CV. Deadline pentru inscriere este 02.03.2023.

Practica Lynx Solutions

Practica Lynx Solutions
Spring is in the air, and we are all about tech this season. Students, are you ready to bloom? ☺️ The applications for our spring practice are now open. If you are looking to get more insights from professionals and kick-start your IT career in a human-first environment this is for you. Highlights Technology: Web

Nexttech Back-end Magento Internship

Nexttech Back-end Magento Internship
Back-end Magento Internship Perioada: 13 martie – 26 mai Format: 4h/zi, la biroul din Cluj-Napoca (programul va fi flexibil) Proces de selectie: 1) discutie HR; 2) discutie tehnica Internship Description si formular de aplicare

RebelDot QA Internship 2023

RebelDot QA Internship 2023
Looking to jump-start your career in tech as part of a dedicated community? New beginnings can be rather scary, a sign that something meaningful is about to happen. But, when surrounded by the right people, they are less scary and more exciting, enriching, and fun. We have two exciting opportunities for those who would like

AROBS – Internship Angular

AROBS – Internship Angular
AROBS organizează în luna ianuarie un internship, în care studenții au ocazia să aprofundeze framework-ul Angular. Detaliile internshipului: 3 poziții disponibile; 4 ore/zi pe durata a 3 luni; Start date: 1 martie; Criterii de selecție pentru candidați: să fie în an terminal sau masteranzi; să dețină un nivel de engleză mediu spre avansat; să dețină