Anunţuri din categoria: Anunţuri practică nivel licență
Internship-uri internaţionale plătite AIESEC
Are you … … a 3rd, 4th year bachelor student or a Master’s student? … a good English speaker? … interested in diversity and new methods in IT? Do you have knowledge in one or more of the following fields? Software development & programming Web development and management Database management Mobile applications System analysis &
Cluj Internship
Vrei o experienţă de muncă valoroasă într-o firmă de prestigiu sau o organizaţie neguvernamentală din Cluj-Napoca? Aplică la Cluj Internship până în 10 aprilie la Formularul de înscriere îl găsești pe Cluj Internship, ediția a XII-a, oferă 30 de locuri de internship în următoarele firme și ONG-uri clujene: Autism Transilvania, Bufab România, Clujul
BG Soft Internship 2013
Societatea BG Soft are plăcerea de a vă invita să participaţi la programul „Internship 2013„. Obiectivul acestui program este de a vă dezvolta abilităţile ca programator, de a vă familiariza cu ceea ce înseamnă lucrul în echipă în cadrul societăţii noastre şi, nu în ultimul rând, de a ne cunoaşte mai bine în vederea unei posibile
Latest AROBS Intern Opportunities – Summer Program 2013
A summer internship at AROBS is serious business; we are over 300 talented professionals, proud of our achievements in providing software development services. And we are looking for students who share our traits: creativity, talent, perseverance, good technical and communication skills, eager to constantly challenge their limits. Join our Summer Internship program (July – August)
Ruby Tribe Internship
Ruby Tribe is offering a full internship program that includes trainings, fun and even A JOB, if we like you! You’ll be learning new & trending technologies, using agile methods, in a homely environment, while working for startups and international projects alike. At Ruby Tribe, you will get in touch with experienced developers that will share their
Optima Group Internship
Optima Group, a Romanian software company with proven competencies for Data Management solutions (BI) and ISV/software solutions, is offering for 2013 Summer Internship the following available positions: Optimal Sales & Merchandising development (2 positions) Candidate’s profile: basic knowledge in C#, OOP, .NET and MS SQL; good communication skills and team player; average spoken English; ASP.NET
Wayfare is announcing a selection for Summer Internship
Wayfare is announcing a selection for Summer Internship
When: July-August, 2013
- Building a mobile application using OpenEdge
- Implement Business Process Management in your Progress Open Edge ABL
- Cloud Application Development using Progress OpenEdge
- HTML5 and CSS3 UI basics
- Web-based mobile applications
For specific requirements, please visit our website
How to apply: Send us a CV at with the subject “Internship” and the technologies you are interested in.
Application dead-line: May 24th
Selection dead-line: June 14th
RECOGNOS Romania Summer Internship
Please send e-mail (subject: UBB Internship_2013) at, including: CV, personal contact information, the theme you want to apply for THEMES: Linked Data life-cycle management The study of open source platforms and tools covering the entire life-cycle of Linked Data publication and management, followed by the integration/adaptation of such tools for building a dedicated platform
Tora Internship
Ce este? Un program de training in care noi (cei de la Tora) îmbrăcăm haina trainerului, iar voi (studenţii) pe cea a cursantului Cum se desfăşoară? Trainingul se desfăşoară pe durata a 4h zilnic. Tematica abordată are un mare accent pe practică si aplicabilitate. Curricula o puteţi accesa la adresa Programul este flexibil în
iQuest University – Summer Internship
This phase will consist of a teamwork project that offers students even more practical experience, covering all the tools that are used in a development environment such as: source control, continuous integration, code review tool, etc. We offer two different projects: Coding Contest Platform (Java): Your task will be to create a platform to be