Anunţuri din categoria: Anunţuri practică nivel licență
Smart Tech 2013 Internship
Are you looking for 1 month COOL INTERNSHIP? Come and see how we work and have fun at Smart Tech! If YOU are: - Students - Faculty or Master - in progress - Interested to work side by side with Smart Tech developers on the latest - technologies available in areas such as C#, .NET, Mobile, Java, Web - Development, Ruby. - Advanced level of English - Eager to learn and develop work related skills WE offer: - 1 months internship with possibility to extend up to 3 month! - Internship in our locations (Cluj-Napoca, Deva, Oradea) - The possibility to experience a professional working environment - An overview on our diverse activities - The opportunity to meet our team of enthusiastic, experienced IT - professionals If you
Fida Solutions 2013 Internship
We design, create and implement Geographic Information Systems for our clients. We are looking for a graduate or undergraduate in informatics, computer science willing to start developing real software using Java and Esri products for our office in Baia Mare. Contact us on
Addition Development – Practica de vara 2013
Practica de vara 2013 ?! Te gandesti unde sa faci practica de vara? Hai la noi sa descopieri cel mai tare CMS din lume – Sitecore Tot ce trebuie sa faci este sa indeplinesti 70% dintre urmatoarele conditii: Esti interesat de programarea solutiilor web in HTML5 si CSS3 Esti intersat sa descopieri lumea CMS-urilor (Content
Aegon Internship
Are you a driven and passionate developer-to-be? Interested in a Summer Internship? Join us! Your benefits: Work with the best database in the world Permanent contact with specialists in project tasks across entire development cycle Real-life tasks in real projects Flexible attendance Your skills: Database general concepts Oracle database objects Sql & plSql programming Sharp
Centric IT – Internship
Organizăm o nouă sesiune de Internship! Dacă eşti student la Informatică, ai cunoştinţe de Asp.Net + C# sau vrei să înveţi şi vrei să faci parte din echipa noastră, trimite-ne CV-ul tău pe adresa până pe 31 iulie 2013. Suntem o echipă tânără, în continuă creştere cu o expertiză bogată în dezvoltarea de aplicaţii
Practică 2013 la SOFTVISION
Ca în fiecare an, SOFTVISION oferă posibilitatea desfăşurării Stagiului de Practică (Internship) studenţilor de la Facultatea de Matematică şi Informatică.
Perioadă de practică: iulie – august
Data limită pentru aplicaţii: 19 mai 2013
National Instruments Internship
Are you ready for more than just a summer internship? Do you want to join a team where you can thrive and learn in an award-winning, relaxed work environment that fosters creativity and entrepreneurism so you can perform your best and continuously innovate? If these are traits you expect from a company, then National Instruments can meet or exceed your expectations. Take some time to learn more about what NI can offer you!
TSS Yonder Internship 2013
Join us and live a unique experience! Internship? Have it on summer or … have it your way! At Yonder you can start your Internship right away. We all know traditional summer internship. It’s perfect for some of you but for those who want the summer for other activities, we have the All Year Round
Java Training & practică de vară @ msg systems România
Java Training @ msg systems Romania Anual msg systems România organizează două sesiuni de Java Training, pe durata a 6 săptamâni, în perioada iulie – august, respectiv august – septembrie. Ce vei învăţa? JavaTraining îti oferă posibilitatea să înveţi: Java Servlet Programming, JSP, Application Servers for application developers, Hibernate, EJB 3, Java Persistance API, Java
Siemens Student Internships
Siemens is giving you the chance to:
• deepen your programming skills;
• understand how different technologies work behind the scenes;
• be actively involved in a complete project lifecycle;
• understand what Agile, Configuration Management, Testing Management, Quality Management are all about