Anunţuri din categoria: Anunţuri practică nivel licență

ISDC invites talented IT students to apply for the 2014 Summer Internship paid program by April 11!

ISDC continues the tradition of training and integrating the best IT students in current projects teams by launching the 2014 Summer Internship paid program. Between 5 March and 11 April, students can apply for one of the 20 available intern positions in .NET, Java, Business Intelligence, Testing. The program is designed based on our previous

Workshop practică 2014

Joi, 27.03.2014 între orele 11 şi 13 în Foyer-ul Casei Universitarilor, Facultatea de Matematică şi Informatică organizează Workshop-ul de practică. Firmele partenere îşi vor expune oferta de locuri pentru practica studenţilor în anul universitar 2013-2014. Evenimentul se adresează tuturor studenţilor facultăţii, recomandând în special studenţilor din anul II de studiu (Informatică, Matematică Informatică) şi celor

BG Soft Internship 2014

BG Soft Internship 2014
Societatea BG Soft are plăcerea de a vă invita să participaţi la programul „Internship 2014„. Obiectivul acestui program este de a vă dezvolta abilităţile ca programator, de a vă familiariza cu ceea ce înseamnă lucrul în echipă în cadrul societăţii noastre şi, nu în ultimul rând, de a ne cunoaşte mai bine în vederea unei

Fida Solution: Summer 2014 – IT internship in Baia Mare

Fida Solution: Summer 2014 – IT internship in Baia Mare
Fida Solutions creates and implements Geographic Information Systems for it's clients. We develop using Java and JavaScript, based on Esri ArcGIS Server 10.2. We are looking for graduate or undergraduate students in informatics, computer science, automatics, willing to start developing real software in a summer 2014 internship programme.

PITECH+PLUS training 2014

PITECH+PLUS training 2014
Established in 2005, PITECH+PLUS is an international IT service company based in Cluj-Napoca with over 160 employees spread in all its offices form Paris, Berlin, Lyon, Brussels, Bucharest and Târgu-Mureș. We constantly support students in their professional development so that every year PITECH+PLUS is organizing three training sessions (spring, summer, autumn). Take your chance to:

jpard Java Internship 2014

jpard Java Internship 2014
jpard invites students to join our current Java Internship programme: Start: March Duration: 2 months Positions available: 4 Paid internship Can be continued with permanent hiring Application deadline: 2 March The internship will consist of Java technical trainings and application development, including code reviews and application testing. During the internship, students will gain and improve

Internship HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL

Internship  HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL
Azimut Vision organizeaza o noua sesiune de Internship pentru studentii si masteranzii interesati sa isi dezvolte cunostintele si sa castige experienta in creare si dezvoltare pagini web: HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL. Locatia: Cluj-Napoca Cerinte: Cunostinte (cel putin) minime de HTML si CSS Limba engleza Trimite CV-ul tau pe adresa

AvMap Internship programare C/C++

AvMap Internship programare C/C++
Cerinţe: Atenţie, nu se cere experienţă în toate cele de mai jos, ci mai ales capacitatea şi dorinţa de învăţare. Noi vă vom ajuta!!! Studenţi în anii terminali sau nu; Cunoştinţe programare orientată pe obiecte; Programare în limbajele C/C++; Cunoştinţe de lucru cu baze de date; Cunoaşterea librăriilor Win32 API si MFC; Cunoştinţe de baza sisteme de operare Windows şi Linux; Limba engleză la nivel avansat; Capacităţi de lucru în echipă, gândire sistematică, etică profesională.

Ullink Java Summer Internship opportunity for IT students

Ullink Java Summer Internship opportunity for IT students
Required skills: - student in 2nd or 3rd year of studies - basic knowledge in Java (gained during faculty years) - passionate about software development (personal projects or within University) - fluent in English - good team-worker with a great sense of humor Benefits we offer: - challenging & pleasant work environment - possibility to gain relevant job-related experience - technical & financial markets training courses - opportunity to be involved in a software development process - work with latest technologies in a multinational company - learn from highly qualified software engineers - get familiarized with Agile methodology Send us your CV at and become an Intern at Ullink!

All-Year-Round Web Programming Internship @ Freshbyte | 2013

All-Year-Round Web Programming Internship @ Freshbyte | 2013
Freshbyte offers you the opportunity to have a great start: Apply for an internship with us! Our WEB Programming Internship is designed for students with fundamental programming and algorithm skills and fluent in English. The aim is to give you experience in a proficient environment which relates to and supplements your studies.