Anunţuri din categoria: Anunţuri practică nivel licență

Fida Solution: Summer 2015 – IT internship in Baia Mare

Fida Solution: Summer 2015 – IT internship in Baia Mare
We are young, enthusiasts, and we love innovation and strong commitment to client needs. We are focused to achieve our goal with each and every client and project: to set up More than a partnership. We become trustful, reliable, on time and on results, and eventually, with many of them, friends. We are a software company based in Baia Mare.

Practica la i4Tech

i4Tech e-SOLUTIONS organizeaza pentru studentii din anii 3-4 (terminali),in cadrul practicii studentesti, activitati axate pe proiecte-IT, in vederea familiarizarii studentilor cu procesele ce au loc la nivelul proiectului, trecindu-se prin toate fazele acestuia de la initiere pina la roll-out. Avind in vedere ca aceste proiecte sint de dezvoltare de solutii software se va pune accent

Internship @ Bosch

Internship @ Bosch
Success stories don’t just happen. They are made. When? July 1st – August 31st 8 weeks, flexible schedule Choose your favorite projects Stereo Vision Camera (algorithms, image processing, artificial intelligence, C++, Matlab) Photovoltaic Inverter, Embedded SW Development (embedded SW components in ANSI-C, CAN, Simulink) Photovoltaic Inverter, Web Development (Java, HTML/XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, basic design patterns

National Instruments Software Summer Internship

National Instruments Software Summer Internship
Look for a fun and challenging way to spend the summer! Are you ready for more than just a summer internship? Looking for a company that values its employees as its most important asset, versus thinking only about the bottom line? Do you want a workplace where you can thrive and grow in an award-winning,

Blinksale 2015 Paid Summer Internship

Blinksale 2015 Paid Summer Internship
Start your career in building web and mobile applications. Apply for the paid 2015 Summer Internship at: We are looking for people that are enthusiastic about the craft of making software, about technology in general, who want to see their work can help and improve the lives of a lot of people. You should have

UNIQA Raiffeisen Software Service 2015 Internship

UNIQA Raiffeisen Software Service 2015 Internship
Be an intern @ our company! We offer a flexible schedule, the possibility to work in an Enterprise environment with Java web and other standalone technologies and the chance to be part of our team at the end of the internship. Our company delivers a broad range of software development and IT consulting services for the UNIQA Insurance Group and Raiffeisen Banking Group. We work in a near shoring model as a daughter company of our shareholders. We integrate our internal organization and processes with those of our owners for a streamlined and efficient collaboration.

Workshop practică 2015

Miercuri, 18 martie 2015, între orele 11 şi 13 în Foyer-ul Casei Universitarilor, str. Em. de Martonne, nr. 1, se va desfăşura ediţia din acest an a Workshop-ului de practică organizat de Facultatea de Matematică şi Informatică cu sprijinul firmelor partenere. Acestea îşi vor expune oferta de locuri pentru practica studenţilor în anul universitar 2014-2015.

Qookqook Internship Offer 2015

Qookqook Internship Offer 2015
We are seeking: 3 real good interns to join us for an paid internship at our Cluj office. You will have a flexible schedule and can work from wherever you like. You will work with the latest technologies (Objective-C, Swift, Java, PHP, MySQL). It can be extended with full-time employment. We work at several smart

Accesa’s TechCampus Spring or Summer Internship

Accesa’s TechCampus Spring or Summer Internship
It’s not too early to start early! Join Accesa's TechCampus spring or summer internship programs to become a software specialist in: - Cloud and Mobile Solutions; - Scientific & Medical Software Solutions; - E-Commerce. If you have a passion for technology: C# or Java, have basic knowledge of OOP programming, have strong analytical skills...

Practică de vară @ msg systems România

Practică de vară @ msg systems România
Ce vei învăţa? Practica în Java urmăreşte consolidarea cunoştinţelor teoretice şi însuşirea unor abilităţi practice în: JSF Hibernate Java EE7 Server aplicaţie Glassfish Practica în ABAP îţi oferă o introducere teoretică şi practică în următoarele teme: ABAP Objects ALV (ABAP List Views) Web Dynpro ABAP MVC (Model View Controller) Cum aplic? Dacă eşti interesat, trimite