Anunţuri din categoria: Anunţuri practică nivel licență

Summer Internship @ RIA Solutions Group

Summer Internship @ RIA Solutions Group
Launch your career as a software developer! Send us your resume at, browse or contact our colleague Mara at for more details!

Softvision 2016 Internship

Softvision 2016 Internship
Are you a talented student of an IT University looking for a Summer Internship? SOFTVISION gives you the opportunity to start your career in the largest Romanian software outsourcing company. Choose your favourite technology and send us an e-mail at with the subject "Summer Internship 2016 @ SOFTVISION – your city".

Paid Summer Internship in IT at Yardi Romania

Paid Summer Internship in IT at Yardi Romania
Are you ready for a hands-on experience? As an intern at Yardi Romania you’ll be involved in the development of functional and performance enhancements for our existing products. Yes, you heard it right, real projects! Not to mention that you’ll be coached by our lead software developers. We’re looking for 15 students to join our

O nouă selecţie pentru burse de plasament Erasmus

O nouă selecţie pentru burse de plasament Erasmus
Pentru locurile de plasament Erasmus rămase libere după selecţie se organizează un nou concurs. Dosarele se pot depune la secretariat până luni, 25 aprilie 2016. Interviul va avea loc în data de 25 aprilie 2016, ora 15:30, în biroul prodecanilor. Prin intermediul burselor de plasament Erasmus, studenţii îşi pot realiza practica obligatorie de vară la

Ziki Network 2016 Internship

Iunie – Septembrie 2016 8 locuri disponibile Ziki Network Echipa tanara de IT Proiectam si dezvoltam site-uri web Maintenace si suport IT Lucram in OOP PHP si diverse framework-uri (Laravel, SugarCRM), HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MySQL Compania Ziki Network este formată dintr-o echipă tânără și ambițioasă, pasionată de programare. Alaturi de noi ai posibilitatea de a

Altran 2016 Internship

Altran 2016 Internship
Altran Romania is looking for innovation makers! Join us for an awesome summer internship. Apply with your CV at until the 1st of May 2016. More info about us on

Wirtek 2016 Internship

Wirtek 2016 Internship
Define your future! Start your Wirtek career with a paid summer Internship! We are looking for enthusiastic students interested in developing Web & Mobile applications using the latest technologies: C#, .NET Framework, WebApi, Angular JS, HTML/CSS, PhoneGap. Between July 11th and August 19th, over the course of 6 weeks, YOU will: work in a team, learn new technologies code in a cool environment, meet new and motivated people in your field, get guidance from passionate professionals.

hipMenu 2016 Internship

hipMenu 2016 Internship
Overview At hipMenu we make food delivery easy. And we love that this is not easy to do. A lot of work and excruciating attention to detail is necessary to make the things that make our customers happy. It’s those extra details that delight the customers we serve that motivates us to come to work

Zynk 2016 Internship

Zynk 2016 Internship
SHARE YOUR PASSION Whether you are a software developer, an usability expert or a graphic designer, Zynk has a lot to offer to you. Working at Zynk is a fun and rewarding experience. Our commitment is to promote a culture based on innovation, creativity and collaboration. Feel free to send us your CV until 29th of April 2016 at

Info World – Paid Summer Internship in Developing Healthcare Solutions

Info World – Paid Summer Internship in Developing Healthcare Solutions
INFO WORLD, lider national in domeniul furnizarii de solutii medicale integrate de tip Healthcare a pus in acest an la Cluj bazele unui puternic centru de dezvoltare a aplicatiilor sale in inima Transilvaniei. Dorim sa construim la Cluj o echipa puternica, sudata profesional si uman, formata atat din cei care doresc sa inceapa o cariera