Anunţuri din categoria: Anunţuri practică nivel licență

IT-Labs Internship Opportunity

IT-Labs Internship Opportunity
👉 Cu pandemie sau fără, viața merge înainte! 📝 Înscrie-te la un internship care-ți va netezi drumul în carieră în cadrul organizației-mamă sau în compania în care dorești! 🎯 Accesează link-ul și optează pentru internshipul care ți se potrivește în funcție de specializarea, dar și de interesele tale! Ai de ales între: ✅ C/C++

Tapptitude Summer Internship 2020

Tapptitude Summer Internship 2020
We are Tapptitude – a Product Studio that partners with funded startups and established brands to build interactive, mobile-first products that people love to use. We are a team of over 60 product experts who work with our clients as Product Partners, supporting them proactively throughout the journey from idea to launching a product and

Midsummer Ruby on Rails internship at Wolfpack Digital

Midsummer Ruby on Rails internship at Wolfpack Digital
Wolfpack Digital is a leading web and mobile app development company from Cluj-Napoca that works with global brands on some exciting tech projects. Join our internship program for the summer (and beyond) and start your IT career by discovering the proven app development processes and techniques and learn the Ruby on Rails framework from the

Google Inside Look Program

Google Inside Look Program
Calling all students! We hope you’re staying safe during this unsettling time. We know many of you might be working or studying in different situations to what you’re used to, or adapting to a new way of living. We wanted to reach out and say we’re right with you. The Inside Look program was created

Student Placement – TBA Summer Practice

Student Placement – TBA Summer Practice
Satu Mare, Romania Programme 2020 timeline applications are expected during March, April and May to 15th of June – the selection process (includes some logical and technical tests) July-September – summer practice period Job Details Seniority Level Student placement Does developing simulation software for container terminals all over the world seem interesting to you?

Endava Junior Programme 2020

Endava Junior Programme 2020
Our Junior Programme represents a training opportunity for current students. The programme will take place online and is designed to enable you to grow your skills within a professional environment under the mentorship of seniors, who are committed to sharing their knowledge and expertise.

Altran Embedded Summer Practice (with a twist of Automotive)

Altran Embedded Summer Practice (with a twist of Automotive)
Application Deadline: 17.05.2020 Send your CV at: One more thing: It’s based on C Duration: 6 weeks, full-time Location: 21 Garii St. Cluj-Napoca (or) Home Office (if pandemic) Period: July-August (we’ll decide together)

Predarea documentelor de practică ale studenţilor nivel licență de la specializările în limbile română, germană și engleză în perioada suspendării activităților didactice față în față

Începând cu data de 8 aprilie 2020, documentele de practică se trimit în format electronic la adresa, subiectul emailului conținând: sectie, nume, promotie, tip document (adică: A pentru Acord, C pentru Convenție, R-E pentru Raport și Evaluare, D pentru Declarație pe proprie răspundere că practica se realizează de acasă). Acordul de practică: acesta trebuie

Sage Intacct Summer Internship 2020

Sage Intacct Summer Internship 2020
This can be your internship next summer. Feeling lucky yet? Choose Software Engineering or QA. Choose your future. Choose a career. Chose experience. Choose an international company, a 6 hours/day timetable and real projects. Choose your colleagues, choose to learn from the most experiences ones.

Linnify Summer Internship 2020

Linnify Summer Internship 2020
This summer, Linnify is looking for brave new recruits that are ready to dive into a digital world. Exciting challenges await along with dedicated mentors that will help you prepare for your digital journey. Are you ready to transcend into the digital world?