Anunţuri din categoria: Anunţuri practică nivel licență

TEC Summer Practice 2022

TEC Summer Practice 2022
Summer Practice Ready to define your present and future? Every day, your choices tell a story about you. They build up your present and your future. If you're ready to define part of your story, TEC is challenging you to do it as part of our summer practice program! If you're an autonomous person, curious

Garmin Summer Internship 2022

Garmin Summer Internship 2022
Aplicatiile se depun la adresa: pana la data de 21 martie 2022. Perioada de desfasurare a practicii de vara este 4 iulie 2022 - 30 septembrie 2022.

Stagiu de practica la abac – 2022

Stagiu de practica la abac – 2022
Ce îți oferim: • dezvoltarea unui proiect software de la 0; • dezvoltare într-o echipă agilă (suntem adepții unui mod de lucru agil: daily meetings, sprint planning, sprint review, sprint retrospective, demo); • participarea la activitățile propuse de către companie: profilare psihologică (teste și chestionare), jocuri, ieșiri, activități de teambuitding, workshop-uri tehnice și workshop-uri de îmbunătățire a abilităților de prezentare în public; • participarea la sesiuni de evaluare și feedback tehnic în scopul dezvoltării personale și profesionale.

Internship @ NetMatch 2022

Internship @ NetMatch 2022
Book your internship spot at NetMatch! This summer, we invite you to be part of our team, participating in one of our internship programs: Software Development (.NET), Software Testing or DevOps, between July and September (the dates will depend on your availability). We offer 2 months of paid internship with the opportunity to work on

Morgan Stanley 2022 Internship

Morgan Stanley 2022 Finance Off-cycle internship.pdf Morgan Stanley 2022 Operational Risk Scenario Analysis Intern.pdf Morgan Stanley 2022 Risk Management Internship in Credit Risk area.pdf Morgan Stanley 2022 Risk Management Internship in Quant area.pdf Morgan Stanley 2022 Risk Management Internship in Reporting area.pdf Morgan Stanley 2022 Spring Financial Analyst Internship .pdf Morgan Stanley 2022 Technology Internship.pdf

Linnify 2022 Internship

Linnify 2022 Internship
Linnify is the go-to strategic partner when it comes to transforming ideas within the Health, Wellbeing, and Education industries into successful and scalable products. They invite people to feel inspired to create daring products that have the genuine intention to change the way people experience life. The story of this year’s internship Planet Earth, 2035.

Practica de vară alături de specialiștii Endava

Practica de vară alături de specialiștii Endava
Endava oferă studenților posibilitatea de aface practică având suportul experților tehnici din companie, prin programul PRACTIC 20-22 MySMIS 132757. Programe de formare și după finalizarea practicii - pregătire profesională cu certificări - pentru creșterea aptitudinilor de lucru în echipă - suport practic în vederea realizării proiectelor de absolvire - concursuri cu premii la finalizarea programului.

Siemens Carreer Start 2022

Siemens Carreer Start 2022

MHP Innovation Camp – Software Development Internship Program

MHP Innovation Camp – Software Development Internship Program
Join the MHP Innovation Camp – Software Development Internship Program July 18th  – September 2nd 2022 We are looking for 30 IT savvy techies willing to learn, code & have fun in the process. TECH DETAILS We have prepared exciting projects in which you will work with State of the Art Technologies. Depending on your personal

Transart Internship 2022

Transart Internship 2022
Join TRANSART INTERNSHIP EXPERIENCE PROGRAM, the best place to sharpen your Coding Skills. We prepared something really AWESOME. 3 Different Paths, 3 Weeks Programs, 5 Internship Positions to choose from: Business Intelligence Internship LAB, WEB Development Mastery Internship, Android Development Craftsmanship.