Anunţuri din categoria: Anunţuri practică nivel licență

msg systems Internships 2022

msg systems Internships 2022

Altom – Software Testing Internship 2022

Altom – Software Testing Internship 2022
În Altom ai ocazia să inovezi lumea testării! Internshipul de software testing ar putea să fie primul pas spre a deveni un altom. Timp de trei luni, îți oferim un mediu prietenos, alături de colegi pasionați, pregătiți să te sprijine în dezvoltarea abilităților tale tehnice, de comunicare și de relaționare. Pe scurt, despre internshipul nostru:

Accenture Summer Internship Program

Bring your talent and passion to Accenture Industry X and grow your career in entirely new ways. You can apply HERE until 31st of May 2022. Accenture Industry X will have two internship sessions, each lasting for 6 weeks: 27th June - 5th August 15th August - 23rd September What will you do? Realization and

Accesa Summer Internship 2022

Accesa Summer Internship 2022

UMT Software Internship 2022

UMT Software Internship 2022
Since 2008, UMT Software, based in Cluj-Napoca, has been the engineering force behind UMT360, the Seattle based company which helps some of the world’s leading brands to execute their strategies and accelerate their business. UMT360’s tight-knit, energetic and dedicated team develops a one-of-a-kind Product and Portfolio Management solution, applauded as visionary by the world’s most

Take Off Labs Internship 2022

Take Off Labs Internship 2022

Machine learning & Artificial intelligence Internship @GiraffaAnalytics

Machine learning & Artificial intelligence Internship @GiraffaAnalytics
Artificial intelligence is driving much of the innovation in every industry sector, from retail to healthcare, from media to agriculture. Top companies and universities compete for AI talent in the race for the next breakthrough, be it in computer vision, natural language processing, signal processing or molecular dynamics. AI & machine learning is an active

Internship AXON Soft 2022

Internship AXON Soft 2022

Kickstart your career with a Fortech internship

Kickstart your career with a Fortech internship
With more than 400 entry-level opportunities, Fortech is the right place to Craft & Grow. In 2022, we have 200 internship/entry-level openings and 40 Bootcamp spots that you can apply for at + 160 seats in Pre-Employment Training programs that you can apply for at

COERA Summer 2022 Internship

COERA Summer 2022 Internship
This role would suit a Computer Science student looking for a paid summer internship. Your day @COERA • Design, develop, code and test software systems or applications for software enhancements and new products; revise and refine as required. • You will be working with the latest technologies including: Java, Spring, MongoDB, Spock, Groovy or .NET CORE, C#, SQL Server, Angular/React; and other state-of-the art technologies.