Announcement regarding the distribution of places in student dormitories!

Because we want you to have an idea of your possibilities of securing a spot in the dormitories in advance, we’ve provided you with the following estimates.

In this file, you can find a table with the distribution of dormitory places from the previous academic year, as well as the total number of places allocated for the academic year 2023–2024, which you can find below.

For the academic year 2023-2024, the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science has been allocated the following number of dormitory beds:

  • Dormitory 1 Hașdeu: 128 places for girls (5 places/room, shared bathroom/kitchen)
  • Dormitory 1 Hașdeu: 85 places for boys (5 places/room, shared bathroom/kitchen)
  • Dormitory 16 Hașdeu: 160 places for boys (5 places/room, shared bathroom/kitchen)
  • Economy I: 60 places for girls and boys (3 places/room, bathroom in the room, common kitchen)
  • Economy II: 112 places for girls and boys (3 places/room, bathroom in the room, common kitchen)
  • Dormitory 14 Hașdeu: 15 places for girls and boys (2 places/room, shared bathroom/kitchen)
  • Dormitory 17 Hașdeu: 4 places for girls and boys (2 places/room, shared bathroom/kitchen)
  • Dormitory A2 Hașdeu: 2 places for girls and boys (2 places/room, bathroom/kitchen in the room)
  • Dormitory A3 Hașdeu: 2 places for girls and boys (2 places/room, bathroom/kitchen in the room)

You can find all the information related to the accommodation places at:

Some important aspects to consider are:

  • The division is indicative; the numbers will alter to accommodate demand (in terms of the number of boys / girls, if the dormitories permit);
  • Considering that four new study programs are starting at our faculty, the number of places / specialization / year, starting with the academic year 2023/2024 will decrease to make room for new specializations.

Therefore, please consider the displayed information to be indicative, for the purpose of analyzing your possibilities, and NOT as a certainty!

Due to the ongoing admissions competition, we are able to assign places in student dormitories after September 20, 2023.

The distribution of places in the student dormitories will be done in accordance with the Framework Regulation on student accommodation in student dormitories, which can be found at:

Accommodation commission of the faculty