Application procedures and documents required for admission on bachelor’s level at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, 2024

Registration of candidates is done online on the admission platform (the link will be active later).

The applicants are responsible for the correct upload to the platform or for the submission of all the documents specified in the regulation for admission to study at Babeș-Bolyai University (approved by Decree of the University Senate No. 40 of March 18, 2024), signed and scanned. The applicants assume responsibility for the authenticity and conformity of the digitized/scanned documents with the originals, which are subsequently added to the applicant's file, accompanied by a written and signed declaration.

The necessary documents for an application to the bachelor's programs are:

  1. Application form filled out on the admission platform.
  2. Personal sheet of the applicant (Annex 2)
  3. Baccalaureate diploma or an equivalent certificate (scanned on both sides) indicating the Baccalaureate average and the grade obtained in the Baccalaureate examination in Mathematics or Computer Science; Baccalaureate graduates of the class of 2024 may submit a standardized certificate instead of the Baccalaureate diploma, confirming the passing of the Baccalaureate examination. This certificate must compulsorily show the average of the Baccalaureate examination and the grade obtained in Mathematics or Computer Science.
  4. Matriculation sheet (for diplomas accompanied by a matriculation sheet, scanned on both sides).
  5. Birth certificate - scanned
  6. Identity card - scanned
  7. If applicable, a scanned marriage certificate
  8. A medical certificate (scanned) issued by a family doctor or a school doctor certifying that the applicant is medically fit to pursue the program he/she is applying for
  9. The admission fee must be paid online on the admission platform only
  10. Language proficiency certificate (if it is part of the list approved by the Rectorate of the university) or Baccalaureate language proficiency certificate, provided that 3 of the 5 grades are at least B2, for candidates opting for university studies organized in an international language.
    1. If the candidate has in the list of options more than one specialization taught in a foreign language, he/she must submit a certificate of language proficiency for each foreign language.
    2. Candidates taking the written test in English or German will not need a certificate of language proficiency in that language.
    3. Candidates who do not take the written test (where facilities apply) will need a certificate of language proficiency in the language(s) of the programs of study in their list of options.
    4. Language certificates can also be obtained from the Babeș-Bolyai University Centers:
      1. ALPHA Center ( and
      2. LINGUA Center (
  11. For candidates who have a Baccalaureate diploma obtained before the current year:
    1. For candidates who have completed the Baccalaureate degree before 2024, a declaration of independence must be submitted on the course of the candidate's previous academic education at the state universities of Romania (Annex 1).
    2. Applicants who are students or former students and are applying for admission to a secondary faculty:
      1. Certificate(s) of the number of years on a tuition-free or -paying place completed in the Romanian higher education system, confirming that they have paid their tuition fees on time and have no debt to the University;
      2. Bachelor's degree or equivalent diploma for applicants wishing to attend a second university - scanned
  12. Certificate and supporting documents showing the fulfillment of the conditions for partial or total exemption from the registration fee and/or the processing fee (children of teaching, auxiliary teaching and non-teaching staff working or retired from institutions, teaching, auxiliary teaching and non-teaching staff activity or retired from UBB, children orphaned by one or both parents, children from single-parent families, children from foster care centers, people at risk of losing their ability to meet daily living needs due to illness, disability or poverty) - in accordance with the specifications in Annex 2 of the Regulation for admission to bachelor's and master's study programs in Babeș-Bolyai University - completed and republished based on Senate Decision no. 40 of 18.03.2024 . The date of the certificate must coincide with the admission competition registration period or precede it. Submitting the certificate and the exemption from fees after completing the admission competition registration is not acceptable.
  13. In the case of candidates who have won prizes at school Olympics or school competitions, the diploma certifying the award. If the Diploma in question has not been issued in the Romanian language, an officially certified translation of the diploma into Romanian must also be submitted. The original and translation are stored in a single PDF document.
  14. If a candidate chooses to fill the spots designated for the Roma ethnicity, they must provide a signed recommendation from a legitimate Roma organization, confirming their membership in this group.
  15. Candidates who choose to apply for places reserved for high school graduates from rural areas: High school graduates included in the list approved annually by the competent ministry, valid for the current school year, can apply, regardless of the year in which they graduated high school.
  16. Candidates who choose to apply for places reserved  for people aged up to 26 from the social protection system must provide specific documents such as certificates issued by the DGASPC and court decisions.
  17. Candidates who choose to apply for places reserved for individuals with special educational requirements or disabilities must provide specific documents such as a disability certificate or a CES certificate.
  18. Candidates opting for places for national minorities (for study programs in Romanian language that do not exist in the state higher education in the language of the respective minority) must provide specific documents (attestation from an organization representing the respective minority).
  19. Applicants from the European Union or states belonging to the European Economic Area and the Swiss Confederation, along with British citizens and their families (spouses and dependent children), who are beneficiaries of the Agreement on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community 2019/C 384 I/01 (including Romanian citizens with a Romanian identity card but who completed their studies in another country), must provide proof of equivalence of studies. For equivalence, you will have to contact the UBB's International Cooperation Centre. Also, for the equating of grades obtained abroad for admission to the undergraduate level at the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, please contact the Admissions Committee of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics at