Regulations for the organization and implementation of the admission competition (on master’s level) at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science – 2024

Regulations for the organization and implementation of the admission competition (on master’s level) at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science – 2024

Nr. 1593/21.11.2023
Approved by the Faculty Council on 21.11.2023

This regulation is an appendix to the ADMISSION REGULATIONS OF THE BABEȘ-BOLYAI UNIVERSITY for the admission sessions in July and September 2024.

Proposed study programs*

STUDY OFFER – Form of education: full-time; Duration of studies: 2 years
Fields of study: Mathematics
Advanced Mathematics (English)
Modern Methods in Teaching Mathematics (Romanian)
Modern Methods in Teaching Mathematics (Hungarian)
Computational Mathematics (Hungarian)
Field of Computer Science
Databases (Romanian)
Distributed Systems in Internet (Romanian)
Data Analysis and Modeling (Hungarian)
Enterprise Software Design and Development (Hungarian)
High Performance Computing and Big Data Analytics (English)
Software Engineering (English)
Applied Computational Intelligence (English)
Data Science for Industry and Society (English)
Cyber Security (English)
Advanced Computer Science Systems: Modeling, Design and Development (English and German)
Field of Education
Didactic Master’s in Computer Science (Romanian)
Didactic Master’s in Mathematics (Hungarian)
Didactic Master’s in Computer Science (Hungarian)


* The specializations mentioned above will be organized on the condition that a minimum number of candidates admitted after the first stage, during the admission session in July, is met.

1. Admission criteria:

  • Graduates with a bachelor’s degree/certificate, regardless of the year of graduation from the bachelor’s program, may apply for a master’s program.
  • The admission conditions for candidates with a bachelor’s degree/graduation in a specialization in the field of specialization or specializations related to those of the field for which the candidate opts, respectively for those coming from other fields, can be found in the Administrative procedure regarding the registration of candidates.
  • For the master’s programs, a certificate of proficiency in an international language must be presented. Language certificates issued by BBU faculties and certificates agreed upon by the university are valid ( For the Cyber Security specialization (English language of instruction), the requirements for the certificate of language proficiency differ from the other specializations. Details can be found in the Administrative procedure for the registration of candidates.
  • Except for the Data Science in Industry and Society specialization, applicants may submit dossiers for any of the proposed specializations in the three fields administered by the faculty. Applicants may do so either on a fee-paying or budgeted basis, provided they meet the necessary criteria to pursue a specialization funded through this method. However, they are limited to simultaneous enrollment in a maximum of two study programs and may only receive funding from the state budget for one study/specialization program. A candidate must submit two applications if they want to pursue in parallel two specializations. For Data Science in Industry and Society they shall submit an individual application, considering the tuition-paying and tuition-free option.
  • The Cyber Security master’s program has two application routes: one national and one EIT. The national application process adheres to the same requirements as all other master’s programs offered by the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at Babeș-Bolyai University. The prerequisites for applicants to the Cyber Security specialization (English) via EIT Digital are outlined in the Administrative procedure for candidate registration.
  • Changes to the selected specialization are not permissible following the application deadline.
  • Under the same conditions as Romanian citizens, citizens of EU, EEA, and Swiss Confederation countries may participate in the admission process, including payment of tuition fees. The placement and evaluation processes are identical to those utilized for Romanian citizens.
  • The process of recognizing studies completed abroad is facilitated by the relevant ministry. Each candidate is required to provide a document at the time of registration attesting to the initiation of the process to recognize their studies. The responsibility for providing information on the recognition process lies solely with the Center for International Cooperation of Babeș-Bolyai University.
  • Applicants from EU third countries can apply for the special places awarded by the faculty, following the Ministry Regulation 6000/15.10.2012 and the regulations of the University. Responsibility for providing information, checking documents, and registering these candidates lies solely with the Center for International Cooperation of Babeș-Bolyai University.

2. Registration

Applications are submitted online. It is the responsibility of the candidates to upload and submit accurately all documents specified in the Admission Rules. By signing the application form, candidates acknowledge and accept accountability for the integrity and congruence between the digital or scanned documents and the originals that are to be enclosed with their file. The technical details concerning the application can be found in the Technical procedure for the registration of candidates.

3. Assessment test

Argumentative portfolio marked with ADMITTED/REJECTED: The candidate must submit an argumentative portfolio consisting of a curriculum vitae (no more than two pages) and a scientific and professional career development plan (based on the initial specialization in the candidate’s list of options) in the field of mathematics/computer science (maximum two pages). The curriculum vitae should be written in the language of the first specialization in the candidate’s list of options.

For applicants who have not yet completed one of the specializations associated with their selected field of study, a specialized examination will be ran.

English/German language test is marked ADMITTED or REJECTED for those whose options include a specialization in English or German as the language of instruction.

  • Candidates that have a degree in the field of study or related fields:
    1. 75% overall average grade of the years of study;
    2. 25% grade of the bachelor’s exam.
  • In the case of other candidates: the overall admission average is the mark obtained in the specialized examination.

5. Criteria for the selection

In the event of equal averages, the results will be decided by considering the overall average of the years of study and the overall average of the last year of study.

6. Classification procedure

  • Admission to the master’s programs is determined by the study lines (Romanian, English, Hungarian, and German) and the three fields of study administered by the faculty (Mathematics, Computer Science, and Educational Sciences). An overall number of fee-paying and tuition-free places are allocated per field and, within all fields, per line of study. Applicants have the option of choosing an unlimited number of specializations from the field selection. An exception to this rule is the Data Science in Industry and Society specialization, which has its own admission portfolio and is allocated separate seats.
  • Applicants who meet the admission requirements with a minimum grade point average of six will be declared admitted in accordance with the preferences indicated during registration and in descending order of average, except for the Hungarian line where places are allocated by field. For the Hungarian line, once the list of admitted candidates (budget and fee) has been drawn up by field in descending order of average, the admitted candidates are allocated to specializations. As per the current Regulation, master’s specializations are established in accordance with the Faculty Council’s minimum admissions requirement.

7. Confirmation of the place

  • The confirmation of the study place is done in two stages:
  • Stage I: after the first lists with the distribution of candidates by specialization have been posted.
  • Stage II: after redistribution of the places not confirmed in the first stage.
  • The necessary documents shall be submitted to the admissions platform at each stage, and individuals who are accepted on a tuition-paying basis shall remit the initial payment of the tuition fee.
  • The Confirmation Procedure contains comprehensive information regarding the confirmation process.

8. Confirming a tuition-free place

A student who has been admitted to a tuition-free place can only benefit from the budget grant (study grant) for the customary duration of study of the specialization to which he/she has been admitted to. For students enrolled at a state university who have previously obtained a grant from the state budget for a master’s degree program, the maximum number of years they can continue to receive the grant will be shortened by the number of tuition-free study years they completed previously. Students who have withdrawn from their studies are subject to the same regulation, with the exception of the initial year of study, which is conducted on a fee-paying basis. Due to the funding from the state budget, the normal study cycle is conducted on an annual basis. In all other cases, except in special cases, the study year must be followed on a fee-paying basis.

9. Taxes

The admission fee consists of the registration fee and the processing fee. Employees and children of the employees of Babeș-Bolyai University, the Central University Library, the Botanical Garden, and the University’s restaurants and cafeterias, as well as children of the teaching and auxiliary teaching staff in active employment or retired from the university and pre-university educational institutions, are exempt from paying the registration fee. A processing fee is charged for organizational and communicational matters. This fee is not subject to exemption, remission, or refund. Exceptions are candidates who have lost both parents and young people from foster homes and who are exempt from paying the admission fee (consisting of the application fee and processing fee).

In case of withdrawal, the processing fee and the application fee are non-refundable.
Fees can be paid on the online platform.

10. Prior to the admission competition date, the Admission Committee may modify these regulations to be consistent with those issued by the university or the Ministry.

Correspondence address:

Prof. univ. dr. Anca Andreica