Artificial Intelligence for Connected Industries (AI4CI) Master Programme

About the Master Programme

The AI4CI master programme focuses on the application of Artificial Intelligence to Connected Industries. Designed in collaboration with European universities and industrial partners within the EU project AI4CI (, the programme offers cutting-edge, up-to-date master curriculum covering all latest advances in the design and operation of AI systems integrated with Internet of Things, Cloud Networking, and Robotics technologies shaping the Connected Industry.

The AI4CI master is an English language programme covering topics from three main areas:

  • fundamentals of artificial intelligence and machine learning applied to connected systems;
  • robotics and advanced automation systems;
  • advanced Internet of Things (IoT), network architectures and computer systems.

Core disciplines of AI4CI in the first year include: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Connected Systems, Operating Systems and Computer Architecture, Operations Research, Academic ethics and integrity. Methodology of scientific research, Distributed and Federated Learning, Control System Theory and Engineering, Complex Networks: Data Analysis Using Network Science.

In the second year of the master programme, students will gain and apply knowledge on Advanced Machine Learning, Learning Robots and Industrial Internet of Things through the core disciplines of the third semester and will develop their dissertation thesis and research project on AI4CI.

Optional courses are offered in two forms: full semester courses (one such optional course to be selected by students in each of the first three semesters) and intensive short-term courses (one to be selected in the second semester and another in the third semester). Topics of the optional courses cover:

  • specialized domains, for example Network Security, Computer System Modeling and Verification, Parallel and Distributed Systems, Peer-to-Peer Systems and Blockchain, Computational Models for Embedded Systems, Network Virtualization and Automation;
  • application-oriented short-term courses, for example Sustainable IoT Technologies, Data Management and Digital Transformation in Industrial Process Automation, Big Data Technologies for Connected Industries, Robot Predictive Maintenance, Integration of Virtual and Augmented Reality Technologies in Connected Industries, Smart Industry 4.0 Systems, Applications of AI to Cyber-threat Management;
  • complementary domains, for example Contemporary Economic Issues – Digital Economy Principles, Strategic Business Process Automation.


Information about the admission process is available here in English / Romanian.

Gained Abilities and Skills

  • Understanding and working with basic concepts in artificial intelligence for connected industries;
  • Analysis, design, and implementation of software systems;
  • Assimilation of mathematical concepts and formal models to facilitate the understanding, development, use and verification of artificial intelligence methods and techniques;
  • Assimilation of a solid theoretical and practical knowledge base regarding automatizations for industrial networks, robotics, advanced network architectures and IoT systems;
  • Ability to approach and solve complex problems relevant in connected industries and systems using artificial intelligence techniques and robotics;
  • Advanced ability to approach, model and solve problems from industry using methodologies and tools specific to software systems, automatics and robotics, networks and connected systems.

Scholarship Opportunities

Besides the regular scholarships offered from the state budget to students that are Romanian and EU citizens and the special scholarships for scientific performance offered by Babeş-Bolyai University, students enrolled in the AI4CI programme can access individual scholarships offered through the European project AI4CI. The criteria for accessing the AI4CI scholarships and other necessary information for the application process will be communicated to students admitted to the AI4CI master at start of the first academic year.

Why should you choose the AI4CI master programme

  • Study in a vibrant domain about AI and emerging technologies for connected industries
  • Develop projects applying concepts of AI, robotics, networks, IoT and automation systems
  • Learn from world-class academics including our European AI4CI partners and industry experts
  • Access scholarships offered by the European project AI4CI
  • Experience a semester abroad at one of our partner universities based on the Erasmus agreements setup


1st semester

# Course title ECTS credits
1 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Connected Systems 7
2 Operating Systems and Computer Architecture 6
3 Operations Research 6
4 Academic ethics and integrity. Methodology of scientific research 4
5 Optional course 1 7

2nd semester

# Course title ECTS credits
1 Distributed and Federated Learning 7
2 Control System Theory and Engineering 6
3 Complex Networks: Data Analysis Using Network Science 7
4 Optional course 2 3
5 Optional course 3 7

3rd semester

# Course title ECTS credits
1 Advanced Machine Learning 7
2 Learning Robots 7
3 Industrial Internet of Things 6
4 Optional course 4 3
5 Optional course 5 7

4th semester

# Course title ECTS credits
1 Internship in Specialization 20
2 Research Project in Artificial Intelligence for Connected Industries 6
3 Elaboration of the Dissertation Thesis 4

European AI4CI Project

AI4CI is a European master programme developed as part of the European project AI4CI ( co-funded by the European Commission through the Digital Europe Programme (contract nb: 101123524).

The AI4CI master programme opens in six universities across five different countries:

  • CNAM Paris and CNAM Grand-Est Mulhouse (France)
  • Avignon Université (France)
  • Ulm University (Germany)
  • Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai (Romania)
  • Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Spain)
  • National Technical University of Ukraine (Ukraine)

Please visit the AI4CI project website for more information.


Prof. dr. Camelia Chira,

Babeș-Bolyai University
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
No. 1 Mihail Kogălniceanu Street,
RO-400084 Cluj-Napoca, Romania