UBB Master of Science Day

We are pleased to announce the “UBB Master of Science Day”, an event taking place on March 28, 2025 between 10:00 – 17:00 at the Casa Universitarilor (Str. Emmanuel de Martonne, no. 1, foyer of the Maximum Auditorium).

The event is designed and organized by the Academic School for Natural and Life Sciences which includes 6 faculties of the Babeș-Bolyai University (Biology and Geology, Chemistry, Physics, Geography, Mathematics and Informatics, Environmental Science and Engineering) and is dedicated to master’s and bachelor’s students (and anyone who wants to participate). The event aims to familiarize students with research projects from the multiple master’s programs at these faculties and offers a unique multidisciplinary platform where students can explore projects from various fields and discuss with researchers and teaching stuff in an informal setting.

The program includes presentations of research projects and master’s programs in poster format (10:00-13:00), a snacks & drinks break (13:00-14:00), and a session of round tables where students can interact informally with researchers and teaching staff (14:00 – 17:00).