4th Workshop on Applied Deep Learning (WeADL 2024)

The 4th Workshop on Applied Deep Learning (WeADL 2024) will take place on Friday, June 7th and will focus on presenting some of the recent research results in the usage of applied deep learning as well as its     applications for short-term forecasting (nowcasting) of extreme weather events. Speakers from the Romanian National Meteorological Administration as well as researchers from the Babeș-Bolyai University will provide an introduction to some of the methodologies and tools used in modern weather forecasting.

The workshop is organized as a follow-up to the WeaMyL research project (RO-NO-2019-0133). WeaMyL aimed to enhance the accuracy, performance and reliability of national meteorological warning systems using machine learning techniques applied on radar, satellite and weather station observations.

Participation is free, with connection details soon available on the workshop website.