Remarkable results four our students at the National Student Competition in Mathematics “Traian Lalescu” and at the National Meeting for Scientific Communication in Mathematics and Computer Science, organized by the Military Technical Academy in Bucharest

From May 9 to 11, 2024, the National Student Competition in Mathematics “Traian Lalescu” and the National Meeting for Scientific Communication in Mathematics and Computer Science, organized by the Military Technical Academy “Ferdinand I” in Bucharest, took place.

The UBB group consisted of the following students:

Traian Lalescu Competition:

  • Marian Dumitriu (Computer Science, first year)
  • George-Bogdan-Alexandru Lung (Mathematics, second year)
  • Andrei Nicoară (Mathematics Computer Science, first year)
  • Claudiu-Gabriel Pop (Mathematics Computer Science, second year)

National scientific communication session:

  • Robert Pop (Advanced Mathematics, first year)

Results achieved:

  • In Section A (dedicated to the specialization Mathematics), Claudiu Pop and George Lung received mentions from the Ministry of Education.
  • In Section B (dedicated to the specializations Computer Science and Computers), Marian Dumitriu received a mention from the Ministry of Education.
  • In the Mathematics section, organized by the National Meeting for Scientific Communication, Robert Pop won the second prize with the lecture “Subprojectivity in exact categories” (coordinator Prof. Dr. Septimiu Crivei).

Our faculty students were trained by Robert Pop.

Congratulations to all students!