Prof. dr. Andreas Löhne, Universitatea Friedrich-Schiller din Jena (Germania): Convex sets approximable as the sum of a compact set and a cone

Grupul de cercetare Analiză și Optimizare vă invită să participați joi, 23 mai, cu începere de la ora 12:30, la expunerea online

„Convex sets approximable as the sum of a compact set and a cone”

susținută de prof. dr. Andreas Löhne ( de la Universitatea Friedrich-Schiller din Jena (Germania). Link-ul de conectare este

Meeting ID: 980 6759 8251
Passcode: optim

Abstract-ul expunerii:

The class of convex sets that admit approximations as Minkowski sum of a compact convex set and a closed convex cone in the Hausdorff distance is introduced. These sets are called approximately Motzkin-decomposable and generalize the notion of Motzkin-decomposability, i.e. the representation of a set as the sum of a compact convex set and a closed convex cone. We characterize these sets in terms of their support functions and show that they coincide with self-bounded sets, i.e. sets contained in the sum of a compact convex set and a closed convex cone, if their recession cones are polyhedral but are more restrictive in general. In particular we prove that a set is approximately Motzkin-decomposable if and only if its support function has a closed domain relative to which it is continuous.