Presentation session of the Cyber Security Master’s programme under the aegis of EIT Digital

Dear students,

On December 19, 2023 (Tuesday), at 18:10, there will be an online presentation of the master’s programme in Cyber ​​Security held at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science under the auspices of the EIT (European Institute of Innovation & Technology). The opportunities that this master’s programme offers will be presented, such as obtaining a master’s degree from two top European universities, EIT certification, international mobilities, summer schools, but also the possibility to follow an education plan that puts a strong focus on innovation and entrepreneurship in addition to the cyber security component.

Students’ questions about this program will also be answered.

Interested students are asked to join the Microsoft Teams group with the code p352ki8, the presentation will take place on 19.12.2023 (Tuesday) on the General channel, starting at 18:10.

Access to the presentation will also be available at this link (for interested parties outside Babeș-Bolyai University).

We also request that students disseminate this announcement on the Facebook groups of the 3rd year bachelor’s level, all specializations, and all languages of study (Romanian, Hungarian, German, and English).