Admission fees, bachelor’s level, 2024

In accordance with the Babeş-Bolyai University Admission Regulations, in order to be able to participate in the admission competition, the following fees are charged:

  • The processing fee is charged for organizational and communication aspects, including possible pre-registration, a fee that is not subject to exemptions and is not refundable.
  • Registration fee: Employees and children of UBB employees at the Central University Library, as well as children of active or retired staff from university and pre-university education institutions, are exempt from paying the registration fee.
  • The admission fee includes both the registration fee and the processing fee. Candidates orphaned by one or both parents, children from single-parent families, young people from foster care, aged up to 26, as well as people at risk of losing their ability to meet daily living needs due to illness, disability, or poverty, are exempt from paying the admission fee. Only the supporting documents presented by the candidate at the time of registration, in accordance with Annex 2 of the Regulation on Admission to bachelor's and master’s study programs at Babeş-Bolyai University, completed and republished on the basis of Senate Decision No. 40 of March 18, 2024, can grant exemption from the payment of these fees.

Fees are paid exclusively online through the admission platform. Should you withdraw from the admission competition or studies, you will not receive a refund for the processing fee and registration fee. The fees amount to 50 RON (processing fee) and 300 RON (registration fee).