Machine learning & Artificial intelligence Internship @GiraffaAnalytics

Artificial intelligence is driving much of the innovation in every industry sector, from retail to healthcare, from media to agriculture. Top companies and universities compete for AI talent in the race for the next breakthrough, be it in computer vision, natural language processing, signal processing or molecular dynamics. AI & machine learning is an active field, stimulating and rewarding, having a tremendous career outlook.

Giraffa Analytics is a recently founded company, dedicated to developing AI solutions for social good. We are welcoming students with a passion for AI and machine learning, as we launch our first summer internship program

What will you learn?

You will have the opportunity to follow an end-to-end machine learning project through its stages, from data gathering and data preparation, to algorithm selection, model building, training and evaluation, result interpretation and reporting.

Furthermore, you will learn how to manage, preprocess, and clean large quantities of data as a set of best practices in the data science field. Additionally, you will spend time creating a neural network hands-on and train it to achieve the best performance.

You will work in Python with industry standard packages such as NumPy, Pandas, and develop your neural networks in Keras (TensorFlow) or Pytorch frameworks. Moreover, you will have the opportunity to get a taste of the working methodologies widely used in the field, for instance Kanban and Data Driven Scrum.

We will make use of public magnetic resonance imaging datasets as well as highly accurate synthetic datasets.

Who should sign up?

We are looking for enthusiastic students with decent Python programming skills and a strong curiosity to explore, understand, and model very complex data. A fair grasp of linear algebra and statistics is also particularly desirable. We appreciate good humour and an inquisitive mind.

What projects can I choose from?

All projects will be in the medical imaging field and will explore classification and detection problems of various lesions and illnesses in the human body.

How can I apply?

Send us a one-page CV with relevant information, as well as a cover letter, in English, by email:

If you are a potential match for the internship, we will invite you for an interview.

Important dates:

Application deadline: 07th of April 2022
Interviews: 17th – 30th of April 2022
Internship duration: 1st of July – 31st of August 2022