Linnify 2022 Internship

Linnify is the go-to strategic partner when it comes to transforming ideas within the Health, Wellbeing, and Education industries into successful and scalable products.

They invite people to feel inspired to create daring products that have the genuine intention to change the way people experience life.

The story of this year’s internship

Planet Earth, 2035. We live in a world where humankind transcended into the digital realm and continues exploring the unknown by pushing the boundaries of innovation.

We are ready for the next big Linnifian challenge - “The ethereal journey” - a mission to expand our advancements to infinity and beyond. The newly discovered planet, “WTL-400", has been selected for its favorable environment which enables faster digital connections.

We will choose 6 people to embark on this odyssey with one big mission - to create a new digital world. The crew’s skills will be assessed at every corner of this experience, but they won’t be alone - their mentors will guide and assist them throughout the entire journey.

The accomplishment of this mission will represent another leap for our species and will be closely followed by Linnifians across the universe. Succeed and bring WTL-400 into the future - “Hello, digital world!”

Apply until April 29th:

The Journey

The trip to WTL-400 will last six weeks, starting from July 11th until August 19th.

For the first two weeks, while traveling to the newly discovered planet you will undergo extensive training with your mentors.

In the last four weeks, you will focus on choosing one of the tools available, under the guidance of your mentors with the mission to channel all acquired knowledge in bringing the digital to life. The internship team will have the one-of-a-kind chance to work on a special project.

Each of you will have to choose one of the tools available:

Mobile (React Native)
Backend (Python/Django)
Frontend (Angular)

The ethereal journey will be a full-time (8h/day) internship position, happening on-site at the Linnifians’ headquarters (Str. Macinului 34).

Apply until April 29th:

Read more about the internship, the tests, and how to apply here: