The Google Summer of Code (GSoC) program will begin accepting student applications
The Google Summer of Code (GSoC) program will begin accepting student applications on March 29! GSoC is a program that helps students (18+) gain real world experience working on open source software development under the guidance of mentors in open source organizations. While working remotely and entirely online, students will spend about 175 hours over 10 weeks on their projects between June 7 – August 16. This year, students in post-secondary academic programs (coding camps and other academic programs), as well as those in universities and community colleges are welcome to apply.
Students will be able to apply to the program and submit their project proposals from March 29 – April 13. We strongly encourage students to start their research on the open source organizations that will be participating this year starting March 9 when they are announced on the program site and their org’s project ideas are available to view.
If you have any questions at all please reach out to us at