Burse de cercetare pentru studenţi oferite de METRO

Facultatea de Matematică și Informatică împreună cu compania METRO SYSTEMS lansează selecția studenţilor pentru burse de cercetare în cadrul a două proiecte de cercetare:

  1. Exploring new trends in software for retail: Identifying a future backbone system technology for METRO
  2. Exploring new trends in software for retail: Odoo and METRO for the future

Bursele de cercetare se acordă pe o perioadă de 3 luni (începând cu 15 septembrie 2019) și se adresează studenţilor înmatriculaţi la programele de master și studenţilor din anul 2 sau 3 de la programele de licenţă. Fiecare proiect urmărește formarea unei echipe formate din 2-5 studenţi și un cadru didactic.


About the company

Performance, innovation and service in IT – this is what we offer around the world for METRO. With a team of more than 800 IT professionals working for 25 countries, METRO SYSTEMS Romania is innovating daily and is keen in leading METRO world of retailing into the future.

METRO SYSTEMS Romania is the internal information technology provider of METRO Group, having three offices in Romania: Bucharest, where about 800 employees work, one in Brasov, founded in 2014 and our new office branch in Cluj-Napoca founded in 2018 ().


The research projects

METRO SYSTEMS is working on identifying a new and innovative backbone system technology for international wholesaler METRO Cash&Carry. The Merchandize System Environment brings together people, data and processes in order to ensure the success of a business from one end to the other. It covers the main business process areas “Plan-Buy-Move-Sell”, which means the main wholesale business processes of planning an assortment (range of products), buying them from suppliers, move them via a supply chain to stores and/or fulfillment centers and sell them to customers (traditional/online).

First research project.Exploring new trends in software for retail: Identifying a future backbone system technology for METRO

The proposed project is targeting a definition of a new and future IT landscape that consists out of Core, API Layer and Functional Modules and covers the main business areas described above. METRO‘s new IT core should be tailored to Wholesale and provide solid, yet simple process standards. It should be able to support both brick-and-mortar and omni-channel dimensions.

Core delivery for the first project

  • Target core business process landscape – will be developed with strong support from Metro side
  • Definition of “IT core”: which areas of a target IT landscape are considered core
  • Definition of a suitable technology foundation/framework for the new Metro IT core
  • Prototype building (optional)

Second research project. Exploring new trends in software for retail: Odoo and METRO for the future

The proposed project refers to an exploration of Odoo (open source ERP technology) and it is targeting a research analysis on how to map METRO’s business processes on Odoo platform. This should include a selection of needed modules of Odoo, a mapping to the core business processes and a possible integration into the METRO SYSTEMS landscape.

Core delivery for the second project

  • Target core business process landscape – will be developed with strong support from Metro side.
  • Mapping of Metro business processes to Odoo modules including selection of suitable modules.
  • Possible Integration into the Metro IT landscape (optional).

Requirements (valid for each project)

  • Ability to conduct independent work, with support from UBB and METRO mentors.
  • Ability to work in a team with other students.
  • A strong passion for research and development work and a desire to learn and improve these skills.
  • Master students and 2nd or 3rd year bachelor students are preferred.

Benefits (valid for each project)

  • 500 EUR monthly scholarship for 3 months starting on 15th of September 2019;
  • During the whole duration of the project, METRO SYSTEMS will provide guidance for the persons working on the project, however a significant amount of individual study and work will be necessary;
  • Working in an agile, innovative environment among passionate and talented people likeminded;
  • You will learn about business processes and how to shape them in combination with the right technologies;
  • You will enter METRONOM community and participate in workshops, meet-ups and cool events.

How to apply

  • To apply for the first project, send your CV and a letter of intention no later than June 21st, 2019 to Camelia Chira at cchira@cs.ubbcluj.ro
  • To apply for the second project, send your CV and a letter of intention no later than June 21st, 2019 to Vlad Ionescu at ivlad@cs.ubbcluj.ro

Make sure to highlight any academic and extracurricular accomplishments that you are proud of: school projects, your own projects, Github activities, a blog – anything!

  • Attend an interview with METRO SYSTEMS staff and faculty academic staff between June 24th and June 28th.