Internship offer: Working student @Bosch – Summer 2014

Image Processing for Driver Assistance @Bosch

  • Work @Bosch for developing image processing algorithms for Driver Assistance Systems supervised by a mentor.
  • We have prepared a list of algorithms of interest for us that we will handle with students this summer.
  • Selection is done by a 30 minutes phone interview followed by a 1 hour face to face interview.
  • We test your general background and algorithms, image/signal processing knowledge, pattern recognition, computer vision, machine learning, numerical methods, math background etc.
  • Paid program. Duration is 3 months, flexible schedule. It can be extended or continued by doing the diploma project in collaboration with Bosch (part time and paid program) or with full time employment.
  • To apply: or

Looking forward for your internship applications for the Driver Assistance Team!
Bosch 2014 Internship